I just want to die at all times I mean there is nothing I enjoy anymore please I don't know what to do...

I just want to die at all times I mean there is nothing I enjoy anymore please I don't know what to do. Nobody will talk to me in real life about this. I have nothing I enjoy doing at all. I mean there is nothing in my day I look forward too. I hate everything.

Attached: pepe mad.gif (220x204, 147.01K)

So do something about it, pussy. We don't care about you; don't spam anecdotes about your shit life on my board

user's first encounter with depression. How cute! Strap in faggot, there's a long trip ahead if you don't have the balls to end it sooner.

I've done fucking everything you fucking faggot. I've excersised, I've got fit, I've tried every fucking hobby, so much fucking shit it's not fucking helping

I dontncare, retard. Take your problems somewhere else. Do you think we're your therapist?

You have anhedonia retard it's over lmao.
Your choices are: heroin or a rope around your neck. There is no cure for anhedonia you will live like this for the next 40 years until you croak.

>There is no cure for anhedonia you will live like this for the next 40 years until you croak
This is sadly true...

is there any actual fucking advice for this problem?

Attached: angry_pepe.jpg (900x900, 42.6K)

I just gave you the advice man.
Strap in and prepare for the ride.
You have 40 years left and there is no cure in sight for anhedonia. You want advice on treating an untreatable disease? Try heroin to ease your pain bro, I dunno...

>just do herion and try nothing lol
wow great advice you complete fucking cunt

this website is completely fucking absolutely useless

Why are you so mad brother? I'm just speaking the truth. There is nothing to try for anhedonia, what else do you want me to tell you? Buy some healing crystals from a gypsy.

If you starve yourself of dopamine for awhile you can get some enjoyment back. The solution is to live like a monk and enjoy yourself like a teenager again once a month. Part of getting older is that the WOOO factor of living dies down. You notice the underlying patterns and social structures and know how it works disgusts you into indifference. You'll have to invent new games to play to keep this life engaging. The responsibility is yours, no one will do it for you. Good luck user.

Also this board is filled with demonsthat take joy from inflicting petty injuries on you. Disregard all negative posters and bully them for being faggots

No seriously look around at the fucking posts on this board this fucking website it's constantly the stupidest dumbest shit all the fucking time just brain dead fucking nonsense why do I even fucking come to this website

I've been there done that with dopeameme resets nigger it changes nothing, I still fucking hate life just fucking completely.

>I have an incurable disease help
>lmao, RIP fagget there is no help
>reeeeeee why are you being useless
I know it's hard to accept the rest of your life will be miserable.
Oh well you either cope or you rope.

Of course it didn't work. You have an incurable disease called anhedonia.
Your OP post confirms this.

You know maybe if I just stopped being around the stupidest population sector in the world consisting of you dumb fucks then I would be able to brighten up. Why the fuck do I have to be stuck here with the likes of you all?

How long did you go for and did you really give up everything? I don't believe you

OP having a meltdown as he slowly realizes none of the meme solutions to his illness work.
Hilarity ensues, stay tuned for his inevitable suicide.

I have empathy for people with anhedonia as it's a terrible condition.
But you are a cunt so you deserve your misery. Here is a quick rundown of your future: you will seethe for the rest of your miserable life OR you will kill yourself to get it over with.