Every cute girl you pass on the street has had Chad cum on her face at some point in the last week...

Every cute girl you pass on the street has had Chad cum on her face at some point in the last week. Just because it washes off doesn't change the fact she let him do it.

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Good thing I'm never having sex then eh

Not my fuckin problem

ah, but now you're a sexless loser

what now

>what now
I will never get cheated on or dumped. I'll never spend time and money on someone who will leave me. I'll never have to make any compromises ever.

You will suffer as a sexhaver, you will suffer as an incel.

Probably should've added I'll never have to cope with having sloppy 32nds or be a step-dad and plenty more.

Being a virgin sucks though. Life is just pure cancer all around. I grow more bitter by the day

why don't you just date a retarded woman?

nobody else will date them and all women are retarded

If she lets you do it to her, is it still a problem?

>why don't you just date a retarded woman
To what end exactly? I don't want to be married because it's too risky and I hate kids.

Intimacy is a basic need.

>Intimacy is a basic need.
I guess basic needs aren't going to be part of my life then.

zomg ur breathing tho

>zomg ur breathing tho
hopefully not for much longer

bad news

your eternal essence continues on for perpetuity

there is no such thing as death

follow Jesus

shutup christcuck faggot.
I came on a gfs face one time she couldn't pretend she didn't love it. she swallowed all the time too. Girls that wont let you cum on their face are just letting you know you can't afford to.

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>follow Jesus
i wouldn't follow anyone who created such a system

Not providing for your own basic needs is what makes you an omega male cuck retard.

Honestly why cum on a girls face if she could also swallow it? Like it's WAYYY more pleasuring if she keeps it in her mouth as you cum in her throat

>she let him do it.
user, she BEGGED chad to blast his penis pudding all over her face

Based oragami

>Not providing
i'm not providing anything. i didn't ask for any of this.

ooooooo triggered

sorry for the bad news friends