What went wrong in your childhood? It's ok you're anonymous

What went wrong in your childhood? It's ok you're anonymous.

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no gf no friends social anxiety

all of these but different order

parents let my brother sexually and physically abuse me daily from 9-15

Well if you really must know I was born.

Sexual activity when I was younger than 10 messed up my perspective on sex.

Abusive alcoholic pedophile dad, autism, and bullying

My childhood spanned the entirety of the 90s. The 90s was the lowest point for my family as a whole, where everyone was their most bitter, hateful, and hostile.

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I never wanted to do anything, I didn't like most people, all I did was go to school and do homework and sleep.
While nothing explicitly 'went wrong' I felt that existence wasn't worth the trouble of keeping myself alive through food and the stuff soceity has to throw at you, so by 13 I was suicidal and when I was 16 I was prepared to end it.
Luckily when I was 13 I also found the thing I love most; writing. So when I was about to end myself, I realized that writing is my purpose. So now I dedicate all my life to writing. I choose misery so that I may have inspiration. I choose life so that I may exist after death.

Never having any real close connections and always feeling anxious all the time. This and having a lot terrible experiences in general has made me avoid close connections.

i was allowed to play gamecube when i was like 3-4 and had internet access when i was no older than 6-7. this is 100% why i ended up this loser that i am now

I hope no one from familly will see this
When I was kid, I used to be abused by my 5 years older female cousin and that would lead to her raping me when i was 12 or 13. When she was riding me, her 2 years younger sis entered room and catched us, beaten the shit out of older one and vomfort me. After that I developed feelings for younger one, we fucked many times till she tought that shes pregnant. She told her parents and we were separated. Time moves on and shes married to someone else.
I used to think that I was lucky to fuck them as they look really good but now i think that was fucked up.
One more thing, im not 100% sure that older one raped me, Im sure that she abused me physically and in later years I was affraid of her.
Is it possible that my brain just forgot about this to cope?

I was raped.

I wish I was joking.

Things were good and I thought they would remain good forever, and when reality hit me in late 00s highschool I wasn't ready to deal with it. Everything got worse everywhere, my family started falling apart, I still didn't know what I wanted to do in life and just had to pick a course so my family wouldn't call me a failure for not going to college.
Ended up with a worthless degree in a shit country I can't leave, no more friends, no girlfriend, crippling anxiety and depression. I'm so down this hole I can't even think of anything I would like to do for the future, and I'm convinced I can't do anything and I'm one of those people that exist only to kill themselves later.

What didnt

I was raped by my uncle. He's dead now and nobody ever found out.

Faggots raped me

Grew up fat. Like morbidly obese
Shit almost ruined my childhood. It was still okay but it could have been 1000x better

Massive anxiety, my mother sheltering me, every time I tried going out with friends she would call me every hour or so.

She also loves making fun of my hobbies.

One time my dad ghosted me IRL for like 5 months when I was like 15. I blame that experience for why I am a serial ghoster.

My dad used to beat me

Parents groomed me to be a spineless bitch as a child so I wouldnt be so problematic.

Homeschooled by crazy christian single mom