What does having someone like this feel like?

What does having someone like this feel like?

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Really fun probably

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Fun for a while, but a fucking disaster after a while

Not exactly like her but I did have something similar
>match with girl on Tinder
>she lives nearby
>meet for the first time at a bar
>drink whiskey together (she drinks whiskey and diet coke, I drink it straight)
>have a good time
>drop her off at her place
>we kiss for a little bit
>fast forward a few weeks and we're hanging out daily
>realize she likes to drink a lot, every time we spend the night together she wants a bottle of bourbon.
>one night we're at my place
>she barely ate anything that day
>drink some whiskey, have sex, take a shower together, get back into bed naked and drink more whiskey
>because she didn't eat much that day the whiskey hits her super hard
>randomly as we're cuddling she starts mumbling and making no sense, then pukes all over my bed
>she passes out right after
>pick her up and put her on the floor
>have to take off my comforter, sheets, and everything off my bed
>throw it in the washing machine
>sleep on blank bed with one pillow, she sleeps on the ground on a sleeping bag and pillow, still naked and passed out drunk
>wake up in the morning
>she doesn't remember anything
that's sort of what it's like I guess

People that can't handle their liquor is cringe as fuck. I've known some people that turn into monsters after they drink. Such a waste

was she hot though onegai

yes she turned into a demon when she drank, it was annoying.
My co-worker is similar. I've drank with him before. He got drunk very fast and ended up trying to call his ex-gf for an hour straight, leaving her angry voicemails "answer you fucking bitch whore!"
not a fun night.
this was her

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>ywn lick Misato's pussy and then pass out drunk in each other's arms
why even live

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ah I see. Was it worth ti

not really, our sexual chemistry was off from the start. I enjoyed going out with her, visiting haunted cemeteries, having slumber parties, but the sex was always sloppy and disconnected.
Also she's super skinny, like a skeleton. I like thick thighs and a nice butt. She had a cute butt but having sex there's nothing to grab on to but her boney hips

She is ugly in an incredibly hot way

>She had a cute butt but having sex there's nothing to grab on to but her boney hips
Fuck you faggot thats so hot

she has a really defined face and unique style, but after dating her for almost a year she became unbearable.
ehhh yeah sometimes but for me personally my first 2 gf's were thick and had amazing asses and tits. It was weird going from that to a really skinny girl.

obnoxious as all ever living fuck

>>randomly as we're cuddling she starts mumbling and making no sense, then pukes all over my bed
>>she passes out right after
>>pick her up and put her on the floor
>>have to take off my comforter, sheets, and everything off my bed
>>throw it in the washing machine
>>sleep on blank bed with one pillow, she sleeps on the ground on a sleeping bag and pillow, still naked and passed out drunk

>tfw ywn care for your drunk date
why live

I didn't fucking need to see that before I slept

If you were licking her wouldn't you pass out on her legs?

my Japanese girlfriend drinks like Misato but she doesn't know how to flirt at all. Her idea of telling me it's sex time involves looking intensely at me and not saying anything.

well, between her legs

>drunken Japanese gf staring intensely into your eyes, not even needing to say "I want it"
that's the most alluring thing I've seen in a long time
if you're telling the truth and not just shitposting I hope you turn her into a quivering mess every time she does that

You think the pussy scent would affect your dreams positively or negatively?

Even by female standards Japanese women are absolutely appalling communicators.