Why do women hate trannies bros?

Why do women hate trannies bros?

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I imagine Because most of them are ((lesbians)) despite wanting to (be a woman), and have access to female spaces.

Because transvestites are 100 times worse than the typical incel, even more so than the typical man. I am yet to see a proud biological male user hating women more than the trannies at /tttt/.

Gee i dunno why do negroes hate blackface

what the fug is /tttt/?

Bioholes are jealous of us

For what possible reason? 90% of you are ((lesbians)) anyways. Please tell me what they have to be jealous of.

Trannies look to please the male gaze while females look to please themselves. One being selfless and one being selfish

Most of them are (lesbians), user, they do not give a fuck about males

>Trannies look to please the male gaze
more like to please the male gays

Because they are more femenine than them

Where are you getting that stat from? I'm bisexual
Females are uninteresting, unintelligent, and inferior
Trans girls are the best of both worlds

In what world? I dislike women too but kek
>trans girls
>not same copy pasted pseudo intellectual personality and mental illnesses
They are the worst of both worlds. They act out an exaggerated character of a female to try to (pass) while being as degenerate as alot of males (see how many of their relationships become poly haha)

The Any Forums board, but since there are barely homos and bisexuals posting there, might as well call it /tttt/

>mfw I realize the tranny haters that shitpost on Any Forums were women all along

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Because women are women - self-serving, mentally deficient, angry and bitter cunts. That's just the simple "why". They see any other competition to them - no matter how ridiculously below them that competition may be - and get pissed.
It's women's fault that gender-critical theory became normalized, allowing trannies to exist.
It's women's fault that men are treated like shit, even feminine men that they LARP as able to accept and love, that trannies flourished.
And now, women want to avoid the consequences of their actions, especially dykes. Why do you think that women are the only group of gays who actively make a whole movement around shitting on transgenders? Gay guys when they see a lady-to-dude tranny are contrite and nice to them when they reject them. But gay women? Ooh boy, get your popcorn out if a transgender even dares look at them.

Kek do you really think trans are nice to males? They treat them even worse. Go read on lgbt about how they feel about chasers. They view you as subhuman and would have you killed and post it commonly.

because most trannies are mentally ill coomer men who think that displaying themselves as such will help get them into real women's circles, they're predators.
there was some girl lamenting that her MTF friend whom she has known for a few months at school came to her all girl's slumber party, pulled "her" dick out, and suggested they "lez out." the real girls left while the tranny cried in the bathroom.

Nigga - I said "GAY GUYS" and "LADY-TO-DUDE TRANNY". Fucking iliterate fuck, you probably are a woman too.
I was NEVER talking about MTFs and men, I was talking about FTMs and gay men - which is an entirely different ballpark to MTFs and women.
Fucking dumbass

Yeah basically this. Most of them are poly ((lesbians)). Just agp males trying a new breeding strategy.

Ah fair. I was speedreading. Most trans (lesbians) are pretty rapey though I dont think id blame them. And generally ftms dont hang out with men very much because they are still threatened by them.

I'm not anti trans like most people here, I don't give a shit if people want to be called a female name, and all the surgery shit is their own body so I see it no different than wanting a piercing or tattoo. That being said it's hard to deny that the trans movement overall is filled with nutcase incels with a feminisation fetish that just want to invade woman's spaces and creepily flirt with them while putting zero effort into actually transitioning and looking like the fat balding men in there 30s that they are. The few actual trans folk I've met that I'm friends with are chill and don't make a big deal out of it, it's basically just a fashion thing to them to help deal with their self image issues, but most of the trans movement are just insane weeb shit pedo rapists