Would you ever open up about your incel feels to your parents...

Would you ever open up about your incel feels to your parents? I always thought I'd just pull a gf out of a hat kinda late and everything would be okay. But I just turned 25 and this last year was fucking brutal... office home office home office home... feel like I'm going a little crazy

The idea of opening up to just one person dosen't seem that crazy anymore

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I don't have incel feels, I love women user I've even held hands with one in high school :)

I did. Bad idea.

They now do not talk to me. Ever.
They unironically barely tolerate me when I come over now. Since I am a living, breathing reminder of their failure.

Don't. That's an awful idea that will have only negative effects for you. Unironically just bottle it up until you die.

>Would you ever open up about your incel feels to your parents
I kind of did when I pointed out how skewed things are considering I'm a race mixed abomination while mom looks like a model. She'll never admit to fucking me over though.

Depends if you trust your parents... i know it may seem unbearable but if you don't trust them don't say a word about it.

Holy shit, really... I know mom at least writes internal fanfiction about me being a "player" and hiding it for whatever reason... maybe it would just ruin them and our relationship

no. closest i came was telling my dad im probably gonna end up dying alone.

Don't break their cope. They need it.

There are thoughts you can express and thoughts you can't express.

You can say that you're lonely and that you have always had trouble meeting anyone or finding someone who's attracted to you.

You CANNOT say anything negative about women whatsoever or convey any blackpill content at all. If you do that, your parents will probably turn you into the FBI.

I strongly thought about it. I wanted to ask for help. But then I overheard my mum basically telling my aunt at a BBQ that I'm a "support son" and she purposefully made me this way.

Basically my brother and sister are Chad and Stacy. Good looking. Clever. Strong. Lovely to be around. They have it all. Meanwhile I have nothing except helping family. I've been conditioned to help family. Brother says I need a lift, I don't say when and where, I say yes. Mum stopped me from pursuing clubs or sports. Stopped me from having friends. All to "protect" me. I finally got a job and she sabotaged it.

My mum basically said that she didn't breast feed or support me because she wanted me to always support family and not have a life of my own. Everything clicked in my life. You know my 5 family photo albums I appear about 10 times and these are mostly group shots of me in a corner not really meant to be in the photo at all. Meanwhile my brother once dabbled with chess and there are 20 photos of one tournament he went to.

I've started saying no to helping family and they are all going apeshit and my sister brought up all the times she "helped" me and like our of these 10 times, 2 were when I was a toddler and the other 8 she is misremembering because I helped HER.

Good for you man putting your foot down. Sounds like you helped enough and you should look out for yourself. Don't back down

Try to find a way to sabotage your family in vengeance.

Back in hs my parents asked me if I was gonna get a gf. said i wasnt good at talking to women, so they called ma a fag

I would find any way to make sure your family genetics end. You are the only good person in a family of pure evil.

I've briefly mentioned to my mother once about some my stance because she asked me about it
"user, how come L hasn't gotten you to meet any of his girlfriends?"
>You know L, mom, idk if that's the kind of girl I'm looking for
"You have a point, haha. But how come you've never dated anyone?"
>I'm not sure, a few reasons I guess. I've never felt like I had needed a partner, it's not something I've ever pursued much. Plus I feel pretty awkward meeting girls
"I'm sure you're fine, you seemed to hit it off with J well while she was around"
>We did. There was a connection, but it never felt sexual, it was a loving relationship, but just emotional, y'know? Ever since she died, I've... I've found it hard to move on to someone else
"I wouldn't let that be the reason you don't talk to anyone. If you don't feel like you need it in your life, it's good you know what you want, but don't be surprised if you ever come around from it"
>She's not the whole reason. I guess I don't feel comfortable around girls for romantic intent. I'm not quite sure why, but I don't feel like I need to do anything about it right now
I don't remember what she said after, because I think she changed the subject, but yeah, that's basically that

Last time I opened up to my parents they basically told me to kms lol

As gratifying as it is to say no, I was born for no other purpose but to serve, I can't get over it. My mother is the devil.
My current plan is a bit convoluted. My maternal uncle is an absolute loser who my father cut out because he hates him, forcing my mother to not see her brother who she idolised. (He ruined their wedding while drunk, was given a job at my father's company only to massively fuck up and got a bunch of criminal charges over the years.) I found emails showing my mum is not just still in contact with her brother but giving him large amounts of money. Now the only large amounts of money she has access to that my dad wouldn't notice is some savings accounts for my brother, sister and I that contain a shit load of money my dad wants for us. I half suspect my account will be empty. So I'm going to push my dad to check the account for reasons (maybe I want to invest in something) and since it's supposed to be my money, he'll probably check it, find it's not there and find out why. And if that doesn't work I fall back on the emails.

After that I don't know what will happen. He hates her brother so much he'll at best divorce my mum for giving him all that money and at worst kill her. She deserves it.

>Open up to parents
>They talk grand platitudes about how they will help me.
>They do nothing.
>They see my suffering and say they love me and care but make no changes to make life better.
>Ask for help.
>They increasingly say they don't know how and get angry.
>Tell them exactly what will help and ask them to avoid the grand platitudes that are meaningless.
>They repeat the same grand platitudes constantly or increasingly become hostile and defensive or cowardly in avoiding talking to me about things.
I'm begging for help and telling them what will do it but they don't care.

Are there really families that talk this... nice?

Mom asked if I was going to give her grandkids some day. Oh brother.
Told her that people like me dont get the girl and the happy ending. That's just the way it is and that she needed to just let it go.