I know r9k is normie now and no one likes feels posts, but how do you motivate yourself to do things

I know r9k is normie now and no one likes feels posts, but how do you motivate yourself to do things.
I don't even have the motivation to do the things I enjoy anymore, like video games.
The depression is worsening and I spend most of my day switching tasks every 5 mins if I even start a task.

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no (you)s again
guess i'll just kms

its been 10min you whiny bitch
go see a fucking therapist, christ

I've been seeing a therapist for 5 years.
It's 10 mins now, then 30 mins later it's on page 10.
It worked.
I got a (you).

so ask them about motivation, no one here can help you even the few who actually want to

>even the few who actually want to
Damn, I guess I better larp as a fembot to get attention.
I was just hoping someone had similar problems and overcame it.

its not going to change if you larp user, you'd just get less advice and more attention seeking
its kind of a paradox because everything we could suggest to help with motivation would require motivation in the first place to keep up with
someone like your therapist holding you accountable for changing your habits would do you a lot better

These people are like animals OP, they whine about threads like this but will bump to the limit a thread about a ((Fembot)) wiping their ass. The only advice I have is to literally just force yourself to do it as starting it is often the hardest part. That and set small timers to work on something for that long (can be as small as 10 minutes). What are your goals for your life. What do you want to work towards.

>its not going to change if you larp user
I larped as a fembot asking for general life advice and I got actual good advice and the first time I've gotten over a 100 replies.
You are unironic waste if you're not a fembot.


They arent very self aware either, they will deny so strongly that threads by females arent given excess attention when its clearly the case.

i love you and really hate that we struggle with these kinds of problems. I know what youve posted about. I have been on a quest for finding my meaning in life lately. Im a hammer who needs to find his nail, his purpose.
Every moment is dying inside of your arms. Every little one is the last one you will ever have. What is the best thing you could give this dying moment? What is your life about? What do you want to live for? What do you want to die for?

I want to go back to school and get my driver's license and get hobbies.
I want to talk to my online friends more before they ghost me for ignoring them too long.
I just don't have the motivation for anything.
I will try to break tasks down to smaller doable steps.
Thanks, I was trying to remember the name of this.
>What do you want to live for?
Life sucks, I only live because I'm a coward.
>What do you want to die for?
I just want to die, because I feel bad 99% of the time unless you're asking me what I would fight for.
Which is nothing.
I don't mean to sound depressing.

Do you stress about doing these things or become anxious about them?
>I only live because I am a coward
I feel the same.
You have goals, though, you should analyze why you have those goals specifically.

>Do you stress about doing these things or become anxious about them?
Yes, it is all that occupies my mind.
I think about at least completing one task on my to do list every second of the day, and when I finally complete the smallest measly task, I just dread the next day.

>I just want to die, because I feel bad 99%
this is a signal from yourself that you need to drastically change yourself. Killing yourself is the right instinct, but taking your life the wrong solution. I think wanting to kill yourself simply means that you want to kill your 'self', personality, dominant expression of yourself. Change your environment to ones where you can express different parts of your personality

>Change your environment to ones where you can express different parts of your personality
I think I have been doing this slowly.
Whenever I've been wronged and feel anger and shame and embarrassment for days, I just try to see it from the other person's perspective, and adapt.
I don't know why, but that usually tames some of my negative emotions, even though there is some residual shame.
I just try not to make the same mistake too often and make new impressions on people.
Been taking an MAOI and it significantly increased my mood, but I got terrible side effects and I can't take it anymore so now I'm back to baseline shittyness.
While on it, I started trying to improve my life more and build better habits, but now that I'm off of it, everything is starting to crumble.

>no one likes feels posts
I still like them and relate to them, most of the time, but I have nothing to contribute other than saying "same" since everyone usually sums it up pretty well and im not particularly smart either so I can't give any solid advice if I wanted to other than the usual bullshit. I just shitpost and try to have fun or try to talk about other things instead cause id rather not be reminded of my reality too much.
>but how do you motivate yourself to do things.
You're gonna have to or do it eventually, may as well be now or at least thats what I tell myself. Also I would somewhat advise against doing baby steps if you plan on doing that cause the more you tip toe around things the more likely it is that you're probably not gonna do what you wanna do. I know everybody isn't the same but I remember telling myself this constantly, baby steps, but never actually doing anything in the grand scheme of things (shit even now Im doing this but at least I know I guess)
That being said that doesn't go for everything though cause some things really do require you to do baby steps cause if you take one big step you're just setting yourself up for failure but you'll probably know when its okay to do that.

Like if your tasks are simple stuff like clean your room/house, organize your garage, go to the store to get x thing for hobby that you wanna do, just take a giant step and do it all in one day so you dont have to worry about it tomorrow but if its something like improving social interaction then maybe you'll wanna take baby steps.
I don't know man, I know this advice probably wasn't solid and that you already knew all of that but I hope you're able to at least climb out just a little to where you're somewhat happy. Good luck man

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>I don't even have the motivation to do the things I enjoy anymore, like video games.
take some walks, take enough sun maybe some vitamin Ds and try to make some friendships online or in real life

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The furthest motivation will get you is cleaning your room once every month or two. It's not actually something you should strive for. Look into identity based goals vs. outcome based goals.
Essentially figure out the person you want to be and every time you do want to do something you know you shouldn't be, ask yourself if that's what X person would do. If it's not, don't do it.
Keep in mind it will probably take you at least a year to become even a somewhat functioning person. Just stay consistent and move slow, little wins every day.
Or you could do nothing and continue to live your miserable life. Choice is yours friend

I hear you, op. I just do the stuff I have to do because it freaks me out if I don't; I now do schoolwork and go to the gym like a zombie. I can't remember the last time I did something I liked just because I wanted to do it and not to meet some social expectation, not even video games.

Start meditating. Guided if you need it.