Do you read? I'm unable to read more than 10 pages of a regular book but I can read manga for hours

Do you read? I'm unable to read more than 10 pages of a regular book but I can read manga for hours.
Does this happen to you? what are you currently reading?
I'm reading Akira and Shonen no abyss.

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>what are you currently reading?
I was reading The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, but I only got like 120 pages in before I had to return it to the library. My studies and video game addiction don't leave me with enough time to read.

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Yup I read but its hard for me too.
Sometimes i cant read more than 10 pages. But at times i can read 40 pages a day. It depends desu.
Im reading picture of dorian gray. Its been one month and i still havent finished it D:

How do you even get to study? I'm incapable of doing that as well. I can procrastinate for hours but can't study.

I read a lot but I only really enjoy reading non-fiction about my interests. Sometimes I think it would be cool to read manga, but I don't really enjoy fictional stories or find them stimulating

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Manga is definitely easier to consume. Pretty sure I'm just a brainlet though. Recently read Junji Itos, Tomie. Right now I'm currently reading a collection of some of HP Lovecraft's stories. Pretty good so far.

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>How do you even get to study?
I force it. The fear of failure is greater than my desire to procrastinate. Simple as.

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At least you're trying. A friend of mine is a really active reader and he finishes entire books in one morning. He even finished a trilogy in a couple days.
I try to get him to read a couple manga but he says he's done with weeb shit.

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I read all 1200 pages of atlas shrugged and it took me over a year.
Quite the journey tho. I also don't tend to read more than 10 pages a day and sometimes I lose motivation to read for a couple weeks.

Junji Ito is really great, I really liked his adaptation of No Longer Human.
I've read a couple of Lovecraft's stories but I've never been hooked.

I finished Medieval Feudalism, a little non-fiction recced by one of my favorite youtubers

lmao I simply don't care about failing anymore, I was failing calculus 2 and simply stopped bothering with it. I'm retaking it as a result.

I've always wanted to read that one

I should never have let you borrow my amazing taste in manga.

It's very inspiring but if you're a commie you'd really not like it I think.
It's a story about magnanimous people more than its a homage to capitalism, but communism especially isn't built on people with great ideas and the fortitude to bring them to life to the best of their abilities.

whenever i read manga i read no more than 1 volume a day

I have over $1000 worth of manga that I've collected over the past year and I haven't read one of them because I can't find the motivation

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I can only really read dialog or if the story is narrated in first person

You should start caring. Unhealthy habit to not care about things that have the potential to make your life worse down the line.

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I prefer a book over manga or comics. This is probably max autismo, but I hate having to read dialouge and then re-read the page visually. A book, while much longer, at least provides everything in words.

I can read manga extremely quickly
Probably under an hour per volume
I often have to slow down and reread pages tho especially if it's an action sequence

Kek thanks
I've been interested in libertarian literature since I was in high school but have never read any of it. I've moved from those views a bit though I'm more of a centrist nowadays but I can't get some of the ideas out of my mind yet.

I know, I seriously fear dropping out of school.

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Then start acting on that fear instead of ignoring it.

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I enjoy read long non fiction books for example something about medicine that's like 800 pages long and I can read that relatively fast too. I also have a lot of manga that I haven't read yet but both normal books and manga I kinda save rn for times with more time to read or well more time where I can't really do much else. although the dialogue collection of Plato and those two books about intergenerational trauma would be interested to read now too.

depending on where you take calc 2, its not really about reading. its more about doing as many practice problems as you can stand. do them, check your work on a calc, re-do them until you start getting them right.

Who is your favorite character in Boys Abyss. And how far have you read.

reading is hard