You WILL eat the genetically modified tomato

You WILL eat the genetically modified tomato.

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OP eats nothing but frozen pizzas confirmed.

It's just a tomato with extra anthocyanin. Wake me when they they're selling morphine tomatoes.

Better not do it and allocate more farmland for corn to keep mutt farmers on welfare. Two decades you're gonna be eating bugs anyway

Wake me up when they're sellin some of these bad boys

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Gladly. GMOs le bad* is a meme for redditors, gays, women and vegans.

* Not to be confused with Monsanto kikery and other corp kikery.

is that filtered shit official?

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How is this any different than purple corn or potatoes or carrots or whatever
t. stupid retard

it already exist, it's a nut though

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Look, I know Covid opened our eyes on how corrupt the FDA really is, but at the end of the day, what are we to stop it?

Black people roam around killing everybody they hate with a free pass, trannies are corrupting children into taking very harmful hormones including from chemically induced breast milk, and this current generation of children is as autistic as they would get.

That's just a minimal shit list.
My point in that whole ramble is there's fucking nothing anyone can do to stop it except fellow Schwabs, if that.

It does look really fucking tasty though.

Does this mean we get purple ketchup back?

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yeah its over. we are alive in real time during the decline. in a history book you can get excited reading what happened during a 100 year downfall in bullet points. we have to live it out painfully slow in real time watching shit get fucked up as our brains do gymnastics thinking everything is going to be okay

If they make some type of meat with all kind of vitamins count me in, eating chicken tendies while having 0 repercussions on my health sound fun, idk why you guys are complaining

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Why not just eat some veggies with your tendies?

I do, i hate veggies anyway, i would eat pizza every meal if there were no downside

Have you seen the Predator blu ray?

They tell us eggs, milk, and red meat are le bad but bugs, Frankentomatoes, and canola oil are good for us. Basically if you do the exact opposite of what is healthy you will never be sick.
What downside is there? It's just starch, dairy, meat, and vegetables. The people telling you pizza is unhealthy are the same people that want you taking statins and insulin. Arguments could be made against bread but eating pizza every day is way better than eating the typical processed shit.

those are all vegetables

No, why?


>but eating pizza every day is way better than eating the typical processed shit.
Pizza still have the problem that if you burn the crust, even a little bit, if you eat it everyday, you will 100% get cancer in someway or another, also if you buy it already made it's processed aswell, idk if i could make pizza myself everyday for the rest of my life, even as an italian dude that can make good pizza

>marketed as preventing cancer
>10 years later studies show it causes cancer
Many such cases.