
piecing together the events of last night edition
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What are some tips and tricks for when doing meth? I hear Citrulline helps. Any anons have experience?

Why do you do drugs?

Same reason I masturbate:

>It's fun
>instant gratification
>I'm bored
>I live an unfulfilling life
>I'm miserable and it's better than suicide in my book

what can be done to help phunnybutt nausea. think I took too much.

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opi squad reporting in

Based opi bros. H is so cheap on the dnm in Europe. Its crazy. I only indulge on special occasions though. Like weekends for example.

Have you ever thought about doing something meaningful with your life? Like exercising or maybe dating someone.

>on special occasions
>Like weekends for example.
Are you daft?

>Stop smoking weed everyday like I did for +2 years
>Actually start feeling alive
>Days have more structure than "wake up completely fogged from last night, chill for a few hours and then get stoned".

>Have you ever thought about doing something meaningful with your life? Like exercising or maybe dating someone.

I started lifting actually. Getting women is quite the task for an autistic like me. But you can't give up hope.

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>Are you daft?

I was only joking user desu

I need to stop smoking too, but its so good for not thinking about your shitty life and problems

How do i stop the wide clown entities from fucking up my shit again?

It's fun, I treat it pretty similiar to stuff like gaming or watching a movie

high on trams rn gonna redose 75mg in like half an hour

I want to try H but I am afraid that I'll become addicted. Only once won't do any harm, right?


I have already had years of therapy(although in hindsight and trying tons of different anti depressants behind me which is why I turned to drugs.
I think psychedelics have a chance to help me and I also have an appointment for Ketamine treatment. So maybe it will get better.
Also regarding my heart I know that it's very likely mental/anxiety related since I've already been to a few doctors over the years and noone found anything wrong with it.
Probably not a good idea, but if you I would test for fent, start with a small dose and stick to snorting, never IV.


The heart of an economy and society is the collective soul/consciousness of its people

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Did you know that Coca Cola originally had cocaine in it?
What does your so called government do but STEAL EVERYTHING FROM YOU?

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Hey, the past was good.

Maybe you do not want to know how truly good it was.

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I am tired of spending money on cocaine. I want to switch to meth.

What do you even live for anyways?

Life is for love.

The day you stop loving, is the day that you die.
The day you stop dreaming, is the day that you die.

Do you have a dream for the world?

I have a dream of sipping coke with Cocaine and LSD in it like the Canadians do but down south with TRULY free people in a REAL society.

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Same but if you haven't yet, high doses of kratom which is super comfy right now, took 3 weeks to reset tolerance , and apparently there's a thing called odsmt to try too

you should try out coffee instead, I hear its better for you

Cocaine would be free if it was legal.

By the way, wage slavery is real slavery. The contrived cost of anything is to enforce slavery.

Be a hero.

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what's your fav lesser known drug combo?

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