Are you intimidated by sexually attractive women who show interest in you? What has been your experience with them?

Are you intimidated by sexually attractive women who show interest in you? What has been your experience with them?

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yea, i ignored them and they lost interested soon after seeing that i'm a pussy

Fuck no. I rise to the occasion. Sadly, girls usually don't show interest in me, at least in a way that I can understand. I usually just end up asking them out after a while and get rejected.

how could i be intimidated by that which does not exist?

>sexually attractive women who show interest in you
empty set

When that happens I'll let you know how I react

I don't think I can normally make any conversation with a woman and an attractive one at that. I haven't talked to anyone outside my family for years and already had troubles talking to the other sex before that. If (hypothetically) an attractive woman were to interact with me, I'd probably be stunned, couldn't get a word out and leave in embarrassment. I already feel uncomfortable around women and if it is an attractive one the feeling would be multiplied.

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alcohol might help with this for me but I want to be liked when sober

>If (hypothetically) an attractive woman were to interact with me, I'd probably be stunned, couldn't get a word out and leave in embarrassment.
deer-in-the-headlights syndrome is a big problem. where you know you're supposed to respond and say something in kind but you just freeze instead because you have no idea what.

>show interest in you

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>sexually attractive women who show interest in you
I'll let you know when I meet one

I get nervous and slightly insecure and end up losing my interesting guy facade and fuck it all up

they tease and emasculate me

actually I'm weary of all women who are "nice" to me out of the blue.
The least fucked interaction I had with a "nice" woman was the following:

>meet nice and cheery petite blonde
>quite Christian, into philosophy
>raised by grandma, wanted to be a nun
>spend time and chat with her, we click
>starts insinuating I should be more sexually liberal and taste more worldly shit
>things get weird as she starts talking about supporting abortion and becoming a feminist
>"user... I was raped by "
>tell her to denounce the rape
>"no no, I kinda liked it"
>stop contacting her
>every 2 each month or so for almost a year she has been talking about how chad "raped" her but she liked it
>no matter how much I ghosted her she got my phone
>literally go to old brick phones and mail so she can't find me, block her on social media
>get news from family and friends
>she was searching for me
>on top of that they tell me they saw her with the "chad" guy

>Last time she called me I told her to stop because she didn't want any help and please to not contact me anymore

I'm quite fed up with women's bullshit

when its happening i pretend its not happening and leave my brain. i have had something similar to OP's pic happen to me but she was standing beside me and hugging my arm while drawing a happy face on my hand instead. i have found this is best because when i do respond back, they lose interest.

Im not intimidated by someone on the basis of looks, if I think they may be smarter than me then I am, even if I dont seem it on the outside

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In my experience women who approach me who are attractive are selling something. So I've started out with a position of extreme suspicion.
Online it's a bit different on account they know they're competing with bots and it's all about how we communicate verbally. The suspicion is still there but at least she's suspicious too, so it evens out better.

I have to say, this one sounds like a boiler of bunnies. This is not a normal woman. And I say this as one who has not always dated the cream of the crop, myself.

>wanted to be a nun
Task failed. That there is a woman that would never make it as a nun.

you got mind raped by a woman. ignore it and move on.
I'm in the same boat but I haven't moved on

this is one
I have a lot more and more fucked from different women.
There is no such thing as a good woman, honestly I have so many fucked interactions there is no way every woman I meet is so far broken like this and you can tell me with a straight face "there are good women out there"