Is the best thing the nazis did the holocaust?

Is the best thing the nazis did the holocaust?

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no, i think the best thing they did was funding sneed's feed and seed

This belongs on /pol

The HJ. Kids making life experiences, learning moral, life lessons, getting Any Forums and enjoying /out/. I honestly understand why the generation who was basically too young for war but still experience the full thing would praise it so much.

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No, that was a horrible tragedy.

Too many to list
Turbo engines
Hugo boss
The olympics
Funded film making
Mercedes & Volkswagen
And much more that I don't know about

they didnt op

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The nazis has horrible logistics and planning i don't they had a plan of exterminating all the jews since it's an impossible task but they did try with some effort, jews mostly died because of nazi incompetence though. So yeah the holocaust happened, a lot of jews die at the hands of nazi incompetence

Did anyone really good die in the holocaust though?

hitler was probably a jew bankrolled jewish psyop

youre an idiot, the plan was forced extradition, not extermination, they died from typhus and starvation, due to hrsg conditions during war, anne franks own sister said shes seen faked photos of aushwitz taken by the russians, how are you supposed to believe any of their bullshit anymore, even the 6million number was pulled out of a fucking hat basically

No, they removed usury, sexual degeneracy, and marxist literature. Imagine all that they would've accomplished if they had just decided to ship the jews out to eastern Europe instead of provoking war and killing them (only a few thousand). Germany would probably be a world power greater than the united states, with satellite territories in south america.

We live in the WORST timeline.

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russia was planning to invade germany, they had no choice, japan blew it with pearl harbor, not to mention mussolinis stupidity

It was extermination because they took the effort of rounding up the jewish population of everywhere they occupied and in a form imprisoned them, also straight out murder them on the streets and they were actively being targeted, not a lot died from "typhus" most died from starvation not because of allies bombing supplies but a lack of logistics and an unwillingness to help them later on as the war progressed.
It was a holocaust in a way mass extermination of jews, prisoners and the unwanted simply because they were forced by the nazis to be in those misseriable position.
The nazis tried multiple ways of killing of them, even today livestock are murdered in similar ways, burning and gassing.

no, they did a lot of other things as well. the main being ending weimar degeneracy and putting an end to usury for awhile.

No. The best thing about nazis was Dirlewanger

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Yeah, it really was a cocktail of bad military decisions that screwed the whole thing, huh?

If you're lurking this thread and seeing so many nazi defenders in here it's not because they are informed or know something you don't and that's why they defend such a horrible regime, it's because they like spouting memes and standard sayings from Any Forums in a form of trolling.
In real life you wouldn't see them being open about it since they don't actually believe it, nobody does thats why there is no legitimate organization or support for it. Its just a form of trolling and being retarded.

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Holy fuck I just read some of it, I'm afraid that if there is a limbo or hellscape, I think he will be the punishment. Based

Only one of these is significant and it was invented by an American.

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The holohoax never happened, but if it did it would have been.