Have you ever wondered who you'd be if you happened to have avoided chan culture earlier in your life?

Have you ever wondered who you'd be if you happened to have avoided chan culture earlier in your life?

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i was already completely fucked before i discovered Any Forums. probably worse for teens nowadays, but theyre already exposed to degen shit before their teens today

I would be less racist, homophobic, transphobic, anti-semitic and misogynistic.
Thank God for this website.

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i like to think i embrace the chan in a self deprecative but ultimately humorous and socially functional manner

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>a website ruined my life
you were a faggot to begin with

I would probably be worse or dead honestly. Any Forums was very comforting to me as a lonely loser. Only socialization I ever got. Of course it's changed quite a bit over the years. Anons feel more antagonistic towards each other now, not in a trolling haha funny way, but in a mentally ill way. I wouldn't want to be like one of the underaged anons coming to r9k nowadays for example. For young women especially this board does something very ugly to you.

Naw, Any Forums was fine. It was the MMO's that ruined me.

actually in a way I was a bit better just going on Any Forums, when I made friends it wasn't really my choice, more just like some guys that I used to know felt sorry for me and wanted to drag me out of the house. Cool lucky me I guess, problem is we had radically different interests and personalities but those were the only people outside of the internet I could actually talk to so I was always uncomfortable and putting on a sort of fake personality to get along with them. Made things worse.

I'm glad I never became a redditor

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Any Forums has only gotten worse in the last decade. I started going on here when I was 10-12 and I'm not in my mid to late 20s. I'm well adjusted, my body count is 20+, I make decent money in tech, people generally like me, I'm progressive and life is going well. IMAGINE a literal website ruining you life? Imagine being that weak that a website influences you that much? Imagine blaming your lack of effort and growth on a literal website you can walk away from at a moments notice. Any Forums was even worse in the late 2000's in terms of gore. get fucked incels and insecure/hateful men - it's only on you to grow and become a better and more desirable person

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I like some reddit content as long as you stay away from the stuff that is blatantly political and don't go into the godawful comments
Just scrolling through some news feeds or random videos is a good way to pass time. The number of usable 4channel boards has really dwindled for me since 2016 anyway.

>1939 Germany invades Poland
Hitler has entered the chat...

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I was already a loser before getting on 4chins. The only things this place has given me are AGP and a taste for traps.

This. I was damned from the start due to a variety of unavoidable health conditions that made my life hell in high school and college. I knew it was over for me even at 16 and the only wai I could go forward was telling myself it would be better when im older. Social dysfunction was inevitable from that. Any Forums has given me countless hours of entertainment and info on topics I love that I could never discuss with normies. Any Forums put me in the top 10% networth for my age bracket (although you wouldn't know it given how i live). Any Forums and vidya helped me get through those nightmarish years without having a drug addiction or going to jail or worse.

I've been here since almost the beginning, my whole adult life, and I actually don't think it's affected me all that much beyond occasionally making me awkwardly have to stifle a laugh when I think of a racist meme in public or whatever. The things I really wish I'd avoided are anime and cars, I should've been out clubbing, dating, and advancing my career like a normie instead of going to anime cons and spending all night in the mountains racing Japanese shitboxes with a bunch of other losers.

Probably go through a string of failed relationships and never understand the core issue. As miserable as being alone my whole life has been, there's some merit to a true understanding of people at their core - even if it alienated me completely.
For better or worse, I value truth above all and I appreciate the autistic research done on Any Forums regarding many different subjects.

user I didn't come here until I was 19. that was in 2006

I would probably be even more fucked up. Talking to some faggots at least keep me slightly sane.

i only started using Any Forums at 21, this site has had very little effect on my life.

A beta provider in worst case. I am way too autistic to be a normie/chad, and I doubt that without exposing myself to chans I would notice all the shit that I can notice now before I got myself into trouble. Maybe I would be blissfully ignorant and happy, but desu I prefer a bitter reality.
And in best case scenario I would be the same. Even before chans I prefered isolation, so I don't think I got messed up by chans.

Twitter/Reddit fucked me up way more. It shows you how deranged the average normalfag is.

I'd have been in the exact same position but probably ended up a bluepilled soiboi cuck instead of a jaded blackpilled permavirgin