Funny, isn't it?

Incel deradicalization has probably received at least a billion dollars already, coming directly from the black budget of the alphabet agencies. Yet, despite all of that research and training, incel deradicalizers are still unable to change minds properly, nor able to change the discourse on the current dating market being shit and women's despicable behavior being the origin of "misogyny" worldwide.

Perhaps the faggot glowies should fund some research on changing women's shittiness instead of men's; after all, women are the ones who give birth and give them their future taxpayer base, so funding research on changing women's shittiness should be mandatory if they care about the future of the United States.

Attached: __yae_miko_genshin_impact_drawn_by_hinghoi__0fb1f38c72ed29d3d9607b213541bdea.jpg (2048x1941, 354.95K)

it's hard to "deradicalize" someone when you try to convince them that the obvious truth in front of them, plain as day to see for anyone, is in fact a lie.
>changing women's shittiness instead of men's
they fought hard to encourage women to be open about being a whore, i dont see that ever happening.

Attached: infallible logic.jpg (640x360, 26.16K)

>they fought hard to encourage women to be open about being a whore, i dont see that ever happening.
I said that because the faggot CIA spammed the "Lonely, Single Men" article a while ago and obviously put the blame on men, as always.
And yet, not a single soul dares to do the same for women in the same way it was done in that article. It is also very easy to do like, you can write about how "Lonely, Single Women" have to step up by 1) obtaining essential life skills like cooking, cleaning, and financial literacy; 2) improving themselves outside of "muh career" like losing weight and get critical thinking skills, and 3) understand that men have it harder, and have always been so.

>at least a billion dollars already
where are you getting that number?

I could do it for less than half of that.

You basically need a team of male therapists trained to handle incel rhetoric offering free support. Then you just need to provide supportive male spaces, this means venues for them to meet in and schedule themselves. Lots of places offer venues for a small fee, just offer to pay it for them if they requisition it.
How do you organize it? just use a local discord for major cities, and make the therapist a moderator.
You also should offer career counseling. If you can keep men at work instead of jobless then the threat of violence drops to virtually zero.
Essentially all you need to do is provide support for mental health support for social integration and career support and distribute it over something free and available to people like discord.

The fucking glowies should hire me. I can fix their fucking problems FOR THEM.

They desERve to be ANNIHILATED.

Incel is a term which means involuntary celibate. A person who cannot get sex but wants it. It isn't a mindset, it isn't something you choose to be. An incel is the product of society which places more value on women than men. Or maybe plastic in the water/food, or vaccines, or something making people autistic reducing social skills making it harder to interact with people which would impact men's ability to get sex more than women because men are the one who have to approach women in social situations to develop a relationship. I think it's the result of sex becoming more easily accessible to women, they become picky, only picking the top xx% of men, leaving the men below them with nothing. But this doesn't solely affect sex. Because sex is a major driving factor in getting men to interact with women, this causes women to only interact with the top xx% of men once again leaving the bottom with no female interaction.
It doesn't make sense to blame the incel for being an incel. Sex requires two parties to consent, the incel consents to sex, he wants sex, the problem is the other party. Women only want to interact with the most attractive men, social media makes that possible, the most attractive men want to spread their seed in as many women as possible, which is enabled by social media giving men access to interact with those women.

This plan is straightforward, it's ethical, and it'll work. And that's why nobody cares.

>3) understand that men have it harder, and have always been so.

women are incapable of doing that. i dont know why, if their brain just lacks empathy or if they are just retarded. but they refuse to admit that is the case, for any issue. it's a constant pissing match for them. they make a mockery of male inceldom by calling themselves "femcels", and think that a week without sex puts them on the same level as a genetic dead end male who will live his entire life as a KHV.

Attached: female vs male dating.png (1244x1400, 1.97M)

>You also should offer career counseling. If you can keep men at work instead of jobless then the threat of violence drops to virtually zero.
many incels are NEETs, and no place will hire a NEET even if they are paid to do so. the only way it'd work is if you start that program you are talking about before they even leave high school so there are no work gaps for a resume.

>You basically need a team of male therapists trained to handle incel rhetoric offering free support.

You will fail, because you still see this as a problem of *argument*.

You're not going to win the argument - ever - unless men see dramatic improvement in their lives. That means that any words you offer will, in the end, be scorned.

You'll basically just be slightly more socially acceptable and professional-seeming PUA scammers. You wouldn't be pushing the same content that they are - but you'd still be pushing. And, just like the PUAs, you will fail as soon as enough time passes that people start noticing that the people who listen to you don't succeed and don't end up getting out of the hole.

Maybe you think success is irrelevant because your intention isn't to help men succeed, but to "teach them techniques" to better reconcile themselves to failure. If that's the case...good fucking luck. Better men than you have tried.

>where are you getting that number?
Inductive reasoning and calculation on how many dollars are being spent on covering topics related to incels, femcels, etc. This has been so since the early 2010s, so a billion dollars of funding over the decade or more is plausible.
>blah blah of your plan
Has already been tried before, but they don't last more than half a year, my dear fren.
>The fucking glowies should hire me. I can fix their fucking problems FOR THEM.
Pretty sure you can apply and get the job on spot. The glowies are also struggling with staff just like the military.
However, for the obvious of your morality, pretty sure you will quit after a week as you seem empathic enough to not be able to be a bit psychopathic in order to do your job.
The glowies care, but they continue asking for gibs, despite the futility of their projects.
Now whoever is administrating the black budget got tired of their shit, hence the decline on articles related to incels.

True, and how saddening that there is no funding on making women better while at the same time not getting picker during the process.

I always thought it was female psychopathy, which manifest uniquely in women. Like, if there are differences between female and male autist, is that not a good reason for creating a hypothesis that psychopathic women act differently, and that said female psychos are more common than normally thought?

Of course, modern scientists are not going to do research on that, and instead act like the faggot Greg Matos and blame men again. Or if a woman, use the feminist excuse that men can only fix men's problems or some shit.

There's a quote from George Lincoln Rockwell that fits well, something like "when a man has come to know the truth, how could he be convinced otherwise?" (In this context it was about the JQ). The black pill is a one way street

women are already useful to the overlords as they currently are.

the men on the other hand are literally leaving society. We are actively killing society by not participating.

Because its not the women that are the problem. Its the entire system that the alphabet agencies created. They put us in this unwinable game. They dont want us to win they just want us to play.

And as that one 80s movie about war states. The only way to win is to not play.

We win fuck glowies. I dont even know if they can fix america.

>is that not a good reason for creating a hypothesis that psychopathic women act differently, and that said female psychos are more common than normally thought?
on to something there especially considering majority of patients on some sort of mental medication are women.

>so there are no work gaps for a resume
A work gap can be solved simply by starting internships. That's not too hard to solve. Internships will accept people with very little experience if they show aptitude. Just giving people community projects to work on and a page containing internship offers that you subsidize with that money+tax benefits is going to go pretty far to land them something.

Start small. Pick one city. Make a discord. Make the moderator a paid therapist. Offer venue services for hobbyists and social groups. Every once in a month share a page of internship opportunities.

On a systemic level, yeah, women are as useful for the system as they can be; I cannot think of another way to inprove them so the elites benefit even more.
The glowies are rich enough to have trillions at their disposal, though. They surely can fix society, but they refuse to do so, maybe for that reason of women being very useful to the elites as they are right now. Even the fattest, ugliest, most useless single mom welfare queen with a bunch of pickanninies is useful to them as taxpayer cattle and support for the economy via consumerism.

>The only way to win is to not play.
Nonetheless I fully live by this quote, as I refuse to give a single penny to the scum of the earth via taxes.
Right? I think psychiatrist know this, but they're too lazy to do and redefine mental illnesses all over again, so they use the same methods of treatment for both sexes, despite the biological differences.

They tried to, they sent all the hot teen tiktok girls over here to r9k in hopes they would fuck us and it only caused it to get worse with discord faggotry and simping

Was that not the work of the CPC? Xi Jinping probably authorized that scheme for shits and giggles, though.

The glowies don't want us to date or breed they want us to return to being good little slaves. It's why they'll make false promises that after you pick up one more hobby or do one more mile on the treadmill your future gf is around the corner. They want you to chase the white rabbit and become tunnel visioned.