There will never be an incel uprising, will there?

There will never be an incel uprising, will there?
Women will just continue to get progressively more powerfull until men have become practically slaves, right?

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more powerful how?

no need to play dumb here, hole, this isn't reddit

There will if unemployment rises at all.
It will really just get consumed by another political message, but the incel fervor is doing something.

Essentially if american unemployment rate hits 20% it's going to become a very different much less safe society really fast.

I would gladly murder every male competitor here and save all the women from you, then I will be crowned chadius maximus first of his long and endured line. Women smell and feel good and curbing an incel peasant rebellion against divine onlyfans godesses would be a great way to stand out and show I'm worthy of love and humanity.

You will all be under my masculine boots before long, slavery is too good for worthless scrotes.

we need an robot uprsising on this board for reall

no, every man who can't find a partner means there is a woman who can't find a partner either. The women do not benefit from this either. There is a class of global elites who believe that it is easier to rule over a global population of 100 million than it is to rule over 10 billion, and are trying to push social mechanisms that sterilize large swaths of the population. They've learned the lessons from the 20th century that reducing the population through engineered mass starvation events will cause them to lose power, but mass sterilization allows the existing population to age out without feeling too much revolution-fueling discomfort.

also friendly reminder slaves were allowed, encouraged even, to have kids and familys because it made slave owners wealthier. incels are objectively lower than slaves kek!

Look at this pathetic brainwashed cuck getting played like fiddle by roasties, He has been brainwashed to go against his own interest and to fight for the roastie cause, with roasties dangling the promise of him being the big harem having leader in front of him like a carrot.
These retards still haven't figured out the golden rule; namely there is always a bigger Chad.
These simps are as much an enemy as roasties themselves and should be destroyed like the braindead zombies they are

>every man who can't find a partner means there is a woman who can't find a partner either
False, women have a larger dating pool at any age because they date older while men can only date younger. There is also hundreds of thousands more young men than young women in merica. Men only really start to break even when they are in their 40s or so.

>Women will just continue to get progressively more powerfull until men have become practically slaves, right?
We're already there. Only some sort of huge disaster is going to save us now.

not until there is like a next world War. which is possible in 20 to 30 years. you'll all be dead by then and it'll be gen whatever dealing with it like the Ukrainian whores and their dead husbands being shipped off to get blown up

no it won't improve until it becomes like a logistical thing where supply of chad cock is so low they lower standards and expectations

We are your superiors in the workplace we are your superiors in collage, hell, we're even your bullies in grade school. We will keep other loser men in their lane and maintain the status quo at all cost for the pussy, there's more of us too. Some of us will die but although our male lives are worthless, our seed will create the future e-girls that will rule the earth in our stead. It's time to cut the incel tumor growing on societies nape, now is our time.

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Just throw them some gibs through welfare programs. Its the modern version of the bread circuses policy, you keep the people who gets fucked the most docile while boasting that you ended poverty, because of some arbitrary poverty line.

There is no escaping of this nighmare user, there will be no uprising, the game is rigged.

>Social elites
>Other conspiracies

I guess gynocentrism doesn't exist in the global elites too?

>For every single man, a woman is single
Someone hasn't heard of group and sexual sex before.

>Globohomo is oppressive to both genders
Sure man... Sure

Nah, techbology will give us some good copes though. VR waifu era will be kino

Probably not. Of course, it would probably seem that way right up until the moment it happened. An "incel uprising" would probably look a lot like the Islamic revolution in Iran. That is, a sudden and extremely violent destruction of the established social order that is replaced with a hardline conservative order.

I guess not impossible, but I just don't see that happening.

>There will never be an incel uprising, will there?
no, and picrel already outlined why. he was just to specific and thought it was only black men.

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hundreds of thousands is pretty negligible in a population of hundreds of millions, and you could say that men and women who can't find partners are also in the dating pool, unable though they are to find a partner. Whatever you might say about the theoretical dating pool of a person of a certain gender at a certain age, there is a growing segment of people in that pool not fit one way or another to be a marriage partner. The fact is, a family unit couple is one man and one woman, so a broken man is unable to do his part in one family unit, which amounts to fewer potential family units, and less eligible men for women to marry.

Isn't it something like 90% of women reproduce but only maybe half of men do? There's definitely a bottleneck and it's definitely somewhat artificial.

>It will really just get consumed by another political message, but the incel fervor is doing something.
Agreed with this.
I don't think you guys realize how influential incel culture has become, it has absolutely permeated mainstream society. Whether or not there is ever an explicit 'beta uprising', the seeds are planted and the sentiment will snowball with other social movements. In fact, I'd argue it's already happening. You guys are just like Any Forums happeningfags who think this shit will happen in an overnight revolution with banners and uniforms. Real life is more subtle than that, history unfolds slowly.

Klaus Schwab literally has a 500 million population target laid out in his book about the great reset. Bill Gates is well-known for wanting to reduce the global population. Globohomo literally has the effect of sterilizing kids through puberty blockers and artificial hormone therapies, and is directly pushed by the cosmopolitan elites. It's not a conspiracy theory, it's their open agenda.

I only mean single as in not a member of a family unit, one man, one woman engaging in reproduction.

Gynocentrism is not the goal, it's a means of population reduction. Pushing women into careers means fewer child-bearing years, pushing men out of careers means fewer male providers. Both sides of it has the effect of population reduction.

>There will never be an incel uprising, will there?
Arguable. Life works in mysterious ways. If you have no stomach for a fight, you can still convince others to give up.

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>Less children
>Sterile people
>Remove hormones and desire for sex

This is bad because...?