The real blackpill

Female virginity is on the rise - average age of loss of virginity has been increasing while lifetime sexual partners is decreasing for 25 years. That is why more young men are virgins
for 25 years more women are choosing to be stay at home wives and mothers in all income categories
>Pew, GSS, Census
The percentage of false paternity within marriage (where the wife cheated and the husband doesn't know) is at an all time low, down from 2% in 1985 to under 1% today
>FGS, Genome Analysis Project
Among married people the rate of divorce has been dropping for 50 years
>Census NSFG, GSS
Today is the best time to look for a traditional-minded virgin wife since 1967

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blatant self-bump

>"Female virginity is on the rise"
Does anyone actually believe this? Like, who do they think they're fooling with this shit? It's so unbelievably easy for a woman to get laid nowadays, how do they fail to do that? It's like a fish being unable to swim.

Why the fuck would I want a stay at home wife? Wouldnt it better to have a girl that works to support the both of you?

>That is why more young men are virgins

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Any White guy *could* get a gun and rob a liquor store.
Most don't.
This is not a failure.
Women were ALWAYS able to get laid at will.
The fact they don't is just a good move

>Like, who do they think they're fooling with this shit?
nobody wants to report on the opposite for obvious reasons. its just one of those things that will never be properly studied and documented for a lot of different reasons, mainly moral and it'll be seen as perverted to look into.

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Because families with a SAHW are much better off

Is being as stupid as you are painful? Or are you just numb?

Attached: temp virginity male and female 2021.png (599x482, 52.73K)

>Who cares about reality? I feel bad!

>not had sex in THE LAST YEAR =\= Virginity
>increased the statistical group from 25 to 35
Yeah yeah we are dumb

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How? You have to work longer hours in a job that you most likely hate, because even if you can get one you want it wont pay enough to support your family, and you have to support 2+ people by yourself with less money than you would have if your wife worked. Not only that but you arent able to see your wife often, and when you do you are too tired to do anything with her, making it more likely for her to cheat on you out of frustration.

If you both work then you can take off the pressure to make more money because you actually have more money, youll be able to work less hours in a job youll enjoy, best case scenario is if you work the same job as your wife and you both enjoy it.

>who have not had sex in the last year
Not "who have not had sex at all"
Until explicitly proven otherwise, those 23% of """sexless"""" women under 35 in 2021 were getting into threesomes every other weekend in 2020

>"Don't worry bro, you can have the sloppy seconds and raise Tyrone's bastard child"
Do femoids really think this is a good thing? I swear, the more I hear them speak, the more I begin to hate them.

>in the last year

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Oh, I'm sorry - didn't know you chucklefucks never heard of Google

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>muh shekels!
OK, rabbi, let's talk shekels
The average working wife barely breaks even
>average income = $35,700
>Average takehome$28K
>cost of commuting; cost of work clothes; cost of prepared food/eating out because no time; cost of dry cleaning etc.
Once you have kids the average working mom LOSES MONEY
Just having your wife shop the sales and cook more meals from scratch will give you more shekels, Schlomo

Just a year after popularization of tinder.
>By 2014, Tinder was registering about one billion daily "swipes" and reported that users logged into the app on average 11 times a day.[11] In 2015, Tinder was the fifth highest-grossing mobile app,[12] and in 2019 it surpassed Netflix in annual spending.[13] In 2020, Tinder had 6.2 million subscribers and 75 million monthly active users.[14]
They should do this data again to see the actual results.. Oh wait they done that and it shows that male virginity is on the rise. But as always they are blaming men.

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>Female virginity is on the rise
Then how come I never see women complaining about not having sex or relationships?

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>Then how come I never see women complaining about not having sex or relationships?
its almost like...wait a cannot possibly be...

>it cannot possibly be...
what, that OP's date is fake or that women don't care much for relationships?

they dont because they would face consequences, retard
women never face consequences for anything ever