I was working on v1.3 a few months ago, but now I completely forgot wtf I was doing


I was working on v1.3 a few months ago, but now I completely forgot wtf I was doing.
Also, you robots complained that you don't want to use Jewgle account, so this time you don't need one.

Attached: Scale.png (1000x815, 169.73K)

what am I? a wizard? but Im not 30

Got an 85. I guess it defines me quite well. I've always felt I'm in the middle zone between normie and robot.

I'm a normie, not really surprising. Still don't belong anywhere.

I scored 95/155

I failed in the social and mental area, but won in the physical and achievement area

Well that was a weird one.
I often get called a normie here despite barely reaching Cyborg level. But yeah, just because I'm happily married and with a decent job, doesn't mean I have the rest of my life straigth.

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got a 15, not really surprised.

>just because I'm happily married
I feel like I just need to assign 100 points to "You had at least one romantic partner"
Fucking hell, a married person is arguing that he is not a normie? Are you serious?

Alright survey user next time make your survey like you want instead of being angry about its scoring.

Hey fuck you man, just because I am in a loving relationship doesn't mean that I am a normie. Life is actually pretty damn difficult for me, much harder than you faggots can comprehend.

>I am in a loving relationship
ok you're just bragging at this point

Bro, how do you score THAT low?
Yeah, I'm a NEET with a stable relationship and some mental health issues, but I unironically love socializing and love being with people. i just went through stuff that tired me too soon of life, we could say.
And I hope your marriage stays super healthy and happy, user! c:

>Bro, how do you score THAT low?

Being useless my whole life. The only question I was able to answer positively is that I have a nice face that's about it. I've had various people I've talked to online ask me how the heck I haven't killed myself yet.

It's a struggle every day.

I mean sure, I just answered your survey user no need to get mad.
I stayed alone, loveless and friendless for 10+ years not interacting with anyone, letting my body decay, until I met my wife 2 years ago. I have 1 friend I don't speak to often, never go outside and just work from home. I don't use social medias at all, none of them, have very weird kinks none of them acceptable in society, spend my time on internet when alone. Little contact with family, not good with my money.
My physical and mental health isn't great. Sure I'm happy when she's with me but can't ask her to spend her whole day taking care of me.
I'm a drug addict struggling to get out of it and find the drive fo work toward goals beside the relationship.
So yeah, call me a normie if you want, won't make me fit with them though.

35 points. Exactly 35 points. I could say I'm between Wizard and Robot. hahaha....

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As expected I got 70

I expected a Cyborg and got 40
It's over

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this user isn't me my only other message was ...

You're bastardizing what Wizard means with this but what the hell, let's have some fun.

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ypu're what is it called a cyborg

That's the score giving Cyborg according to OP's picture, indeed.

>An outsider to both the normies and the robots
Well given the reaction of OP, that definitely fits well here kek.

The fact that you haven't done a hero yet speaks volumes. I tried it this year, and somehow survived even though I drank a venom. I think that the correct way to live a life is to just do what you want, enjoy your favorite music, and make others' lifes better. I don't care how much money you make, what kind of body you have, where you're from, as long as you don't hurt others and still hold on to life, even if it's by a straw. You can do this.
Just chill, user, you're not forced to explain yourself to others if you don't want to. I don't really judge normie-looking people because I know that everyone has problems that affect them differently.
I wouldn't mind at all if my parents died, for example. But I would be destroyed if my pet or partner were hurt. And one of my friends spent years loving a dude who was an idiot, yet if I were in her position I would've lost interest at the moment I realized he doesn't reciprocate my feelings.
Different lifes, different hells.