No girl will ever suck my dick

No girl will ever suck my dick.

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I've had women and men (just that one time) suck me off. It's pretty nice, but it's mostly just foreplay for me since I'm not able to orgasm from oral stimulation alone. Haven't felt the touch of a woman since December though and I'm not on track to be changing that fact anytime soon unless I drastically alter my behavior.

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oh no, poor you.
There's people starving in poverty, living lives of constant struggle....but let's feel sorry for you, the guy who is sad he can't get laid...

This. I would rather be pinned down by machine gun fire in a warzone or work every day to earn 200 dollars a year in Africa than NOT have my dick sucked.

ah, the fallacy of relative privation

Classic r9k feel.

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The only girl that sucked my dick was a fat coworker

ah, the fallacy of thinking namedropping random logical fallacies makes you immune to criticism.

ah, the fallacy of the "im not a cum guzzling faggot who eat 1000 dicks per minute"

You should kill yourself just for using tranny words for tranny redditors

I am genuinely surprised to see someone on this board that recognizes his behavior is whats causing him to not get laid
For that alone I say youre going to make it

An argument could still be valid even if it employs a fallacy. But the fallacy is the entirety of his argument. So its correct to dismiss it.

you don't seem to understand.
This is not the Lyceum, this is Any Forums.
We're not debating, I'm simply telling you to stop being a retarded coomer loser who is lamenting the fact he's not living a hedonistic life of fornication. That's such a stupid complaint on all levels.
I hope you weak coomers never get laid because it means you risk reproducing, but sometimes I also wish you could get laid just so you can realize it's not anything special.

good job outing yourself as a mentally ill christcuck faggot. as expected

Don't mind i'm just opening a portal

this is your future if you don't change your ways

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So go do something about the starving kids and daily rape of our world, Captain Planet. Let the man be sad about shit you judgy cuck faggot.

Good, sucking dick is sodomy.

some girl did suck my dick but i couldnt get hard
so you do you

You ever had a toothache? Did it go away because you went on a rekt thread and saw people getting skinned alive? I bet it still continued to hurt

Yup, I agree, third worlders (like those in western EU, South America, and Africa) are working for pennies a day and risking life and limb, yet they still get they dick succked. Life is so unfair.

You're just too picky.
>ohhhh prostitutes don't count
>ohhhh degenerate fatties don't count

if he was going to make it he wouldn't be on this board

It was my second day in class earlier and some fag Chad had two girls chatting him up and giggling and shit. One girls asked for his Snapchat and Instagram and she was talking to him in that girly high pitch voice. Shit is lame bro, meanwhile I have not spoken a word yet to anyone cause im a social retard and im a weirdo. I would be more confident in speaking if my voice wasnt gay as fuck from chronic laryngitis, I sound like a small child with a weak voice who is still developing his vocal chords.