NEET/Hikki profile thread

Like the title says, let's give a profile of our lives

1) Typical day
2) Living Situation
3) Finances
4) History (How long you've been a NEET/Hikki, how old you are now, etc.

I'll go first!

My Schedule: I get up early, unlike most NEETS I know, around 8 or 9. I go for a daily run and do some calisthenics because I'm terrified of my lifestyle killing me (acquaintance died of a pulmonary embolism at 23 from too much sitting.) Then around 11 or 12 I begin my pursuit of whatever project is occupying my interest these days, which usually lasts several months at least. Be it a particular Vidya, researching a topic of interest, watching and cataloguing anime (current interest), or something else entirely. I do whatever that entails with a few breaks to stretch my back until dinner at 7. Then I continue until around 1, when I watch YouTube videos on my phone until I fall asleep.

Survival: I live with my parents and drive a used car. I can also cook for myself pretty competently, even if I don't do it that often. Not Hikki so I am able to interact with people just fine, which means I sometimes eat out, even if I am alone.

Income: 100 or 150 bucks every week or two from my parents. I also have some savings which I dip into sometimes if I really want something. I like to see how little money I can spend in a given period, because it's nice to see the occasional parental funds add up sometimes.

I've been a NEET since I was 20, so 5 years. I graduated college and everything seemed to be going smoothly, but then I couldn't get a job in my field, then I couldn't land any job at all, then the pandemic hit and the option to try was taken away from me. I wouldn't say I'm unhappy, though pangs of guilt or shame do sometimes hit me at night, hence the YouTube videos. I think my routine keeps me happy and sane, and I don't really feel like I'm rotting, which can't be said for most people in my position. Feel free to ask me anything, I like talking to you guys.

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>1) Typical day
I wake up, eat, go on youtube then go Any Forums and straight browse Any Forums till dawn then go. for a walk with my dad. I do this since 2 years
2) Living Situation
I live with my parents
3) Finances
no income
4) History (How long you've been a NEET/Hikki, how old you are now, etc.
I've been a neet for 3 years now

I'm crying because soon I won't be a NEET anymore

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Why is that user? What's going to remove you from NEEThood?

because my parents want me to work, I can't be a neet forever

Ah, damn :/ if you wanted to you could try and take a shot at NEETbux, especially if you're in Europe. It's harder here in the US, but still doable. I also heard of some guy who would live like a pauper while he worked, and would do 2 years on and 2 years off at work. So he maintained a periodic NEET lifestyle, supported by his work. What kind of job are you looking to get?

I don't know. my parents want me back to school too

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1) Typical day
Do whatever.
2) Living Situation
3) Finances
early bitcoin investor
4) History (How long you've been a NEET/Hikki, how old you are now, etc.
15yrs and I am 36.
My Schedule:
Wake up, walk around my house, go on computer, decide if i am going to do house improvement or jerk off, check exhentai. I usually wake up or try to wake up at about 8-12 then I stay up till abour like 4-6am then take a 2-3hr nap during the day.

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>Typical day
Wake up, lunch, shower, vidya, dinner, take out the trash, vidya, sleep late at night almost morning.
>Living Situation
Same house as my family. In my room most of the time unless I have to cook or something else. I try to keep it clean and help around for house chores.
Literally only have 100 euros albeit my brother, that has a job, said I can ask him if I have to buy something (for reasons I am lazy to explain now) but it doesn't seem right to me.
NEET/Hikki ever since after highschool and even during that I wouldn't leave my house unless needed (for school), so since I was 18 or 19yo can't remember which of the two. Now I am 23yo.

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In the words of Moriko, it sounds like you are an elite NEET. must be comfy!

Sounds like a pretty standard NEET situation. What Vidya do you like? Also what's the NEETbux situation like in your country?

NEET bros. I dont want to study anymore.
My country doesnt have any stable welfare system so getting NEETbuxx is kinda hard.
My parents wont approve my dropout and I m so retarded that I cant get done basic math/

I literally had 4 days to study yet I didnt do a single thing to improve my knowledge because I was always aware that I cant learn this thing.

I m 21yo, soon to be 22, and I wasted my teens doing nothing. No longlasting memories, no friends, no relationships, no achievements, nada.

I m done with everything since there are many reasons why I wouldnt give it a try.

I just want to live until I die with little to no responsabilities

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What country friend? There may be hope yet. Also, 22 is still relatively young. I know it feels like the end, but it doesn't have to be. As for your parents, you can try calling their bluff. Will they let you die to preserve their pride, to save face? Or will they be forced to support you to save the life of their son, even if it is at a pittance? If you are an only child, that rather unsavory gamble is even more likely to pay off.

I'm a czechfag. Neetbux is fucking impossible here. Disabled people get poverty-tier bux. Can't imagine autists would get more

>1) Typical day
I wake up at like 10, waste all morning, then eat lunch at 12, then waste all afternoon, dinner at 5, then waste time until 2am and go to sleep
>2) Living Situation
parent's house
>3) Finances
>4) History (How long you've been a NEET/Hikki, how old you are now, etc.
2 years since college

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Its not their fault. Me and them both know that they are not forever. I know that living without doing anything its gonna bring me to a dead end. They want me to have a bright future because they genuinely care about me.
They have given to me mostly everything that I could ever wnat. They have given me their love and attention.

But I cant do this anymore. I feel sad. I feel empty. I didnt realize how much fI fucked it when I was a teenager. I wish I could do things differently. And it hurts whenever I go outside and I see young people enjoying themselves.

I wasted my teens studying and pushing people away. And I cant get over that.

I just wish I could daydream, because thats the only moment I ever feel alive.


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>Typical day
Wake up at 10 a.m, do 20 push-ups, bong hit, go for a run, come back, take a shower, bong hit, Touhou, bong hit, Touhou, take another shower, more Touhou, weed and LSD, Touhou, go to sleep at 2 a.m
>Living situation
I live alone
Odd jobs
>History (How long you've been a NEET/Hikki, how old you are now, etc.
I've always been like this but somehow managed to stay like this for as long as I can remember

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Damn, that really sucks actually. From my perspective in order to maintain your NEETdom you would have to do some work. Either hit the gym and get ripped and offer yourself to some old rich lady who will support you doing nothing all day, or get your life on order and work your ass off until you can emigrate to Germany, which neighbors you to the west, then once you get there, abuse their system. Millions of turks and arabs can't be wrong!

A familiar situation indeed. I feel like most NEETs are in your position. Do you like being a NEET or is it a burden for you?

Well then it's not too late. You have more than some people can ever ask for. I honestly wish you the best, amigo.

>Do you like being a NEET or is it a burden for you?
a little bit of both
on on hand I feel like I'm wasting my youth rotting away in my room not talking to anybody, but at the same time it's a very comfortable life

Interesting indeed, to say the least. You must be good with your finances that you can afford that drug/touhou combo most of the time off of odd jobs. I commend that much for sure. What kind of odd jobs do you manage to get? Back when I was looking for a job, there was fuck all available.

Its already over. I cant be a kid anymore. Nothing else matters.