Does anyone just never feel relaxed enough to enjoy the things they like...

Does anyone just never feel relaxed enough to enjoy the things they like? I always feel restless and have this constant "go go go" feeling in my body. It's like I need to finish watching episodes of anime and plow through video games fast for some reason.

I try to exercise to tire myself out, I light candles, take melatonin, ect. I've tried so many things to get myself into a "relaxed" state of mind but nothing works.

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I feel this way all the time, not sure what to do about it

the worst part is how badly I crave the feeling of comfort and relaxation. I worry it's just a bad cycle of expectations. Like because I tell myself I need to feel relaxed, in return just puts pressure on myself to feel something I cannot naturally conjure up and that stress ruins any chance of relaxing.

Our way of life is fucked. We live constantly stressed with no time for anything (if you work) and if you don't work we neets are all the time watching videos, reading shit on internet forums, playing video games, etc. Because we have to be distracted all the time or if not we start to realize how pathetic and how little sense our life makes.

>Because we have to be distracted all the time or if not we start to realize how pathetic and how little sense our life makes.
I need escapism to distract from things in my life that have nothing to do with me. It's not my fault my mother is schizophrenic or that my father abandoned me. It's not a self worth issue, I just wish I could be comfy. I realize I feel the most relaxed during power outages, I wish I could feel like that all the time.

I know those feels user, I havent been able to start a single player game in the last 6 years because of them. I will never be fully relaxed enough to enjoy them so I dont bother. Sports can help though, you are forced to move around so you dont have time to think about outside distractions.

there's lots of "in the moment to moment" type activities that help alleviate the feeling but yeah if you wanna start a thing that requires patience its a fucking pain

I understand that but you must know that you can't escape forever with videogames, videos, movies, etc. It's all we have to feel better but you will get tired of all of them at some point.

Im extremely diligent about rotating hobbies or taking long breaks from them as to not burn out. I try to balance all my escapism avenues with actually productive stuff even if it's just chores and exercise.

Yeah I know. I do all of that too, finding new things, exercising, doing things to feel useful like helping my parents in everything I can, etc.

But you can't have a happy life with only that. You can barely live and not want to kill yourself everyday but nothing more. There is no point in living if you don't have a normal life, if your mind is broken like ours. It's all escapism, trying to be entertained, trying to don't care, but eventually you realize your life is pathetic and makes no sense. But as I can't kill myself (would be the best because I barely enjoy life anymore) then it's all I have, escapism, entrainment, internet forums, porn, etc., to feel a little better.

I'm in the same boat as you, there's no chance for me to have a normal life at this point. It's just not possible at all. I don't know what to do, I'm terrified of not enjoying my usual hobbies someday because then I'll have nothing.

Yeah I am like this, until it developed into full blown sort of OCD thingie. Now I barely even do the things I like because I need the "perfect moment" which of course never comes. I think it's a variation of "emotional contamination", it's simply a fear of "tainting" a potentially good experience with an assured contaminant like a heated discussion with your family. The reason I keep in mind these "potential good experiences" I believe I'd enjoy is, I think, a product of some sort of emotional scarcity mindset, normal "healthy" people have either people they can reach out to or physical locations they can retreat to in times of distress, I have none of that so the options are either drugs or "idealizing" a hobby or activity for a "emotional rainy day" but ending being afraid of tainting it too.

I'd for example never be able to, nor even consider doing things I truly enjoy if I was in your situation with a schizophrenic mother, it's incredibly hard to enjoy yourself, live in the moment when pressing matters are in the back of your head 24/7. I'd like to be a home owner one day, you can imagine how stressful the idea alone itself is in current year because it implies nearly having to reroll lifes dice or winning the lottery or giving up everything else to pursue it by working till you drop dead. It's a fucking pipe dream, but like this user said escapism simply doesn't last forever.

Still I can see why you or others would feel a need to go through media as fast as possible, good old fear of missing out. Wanting to make out the most of your time and also have some conversational topic with others.

Have you tried?
>high dose (>500mg elemental) magnesium supplementation?
>plenty of either chamomile, green or matcha tea?
Those things made a great difference for me, I feel almost good but the mental block remains there...

>I realize I feel the most relaxed during power outages
Try hiking for a whole day, it's very relaxing.

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You will have to find new hobbies then. If you get bored of videogames then start hiking or doing something outside. That's all we can do, trying to find new hobbies or activities to keep ourselves distracted. The alternative is to be all day lying in bed with the phone and don't having energy to do anything.

It's a pathetic and nonsense life anyways but as I said it's all we have, keeping ourselves distracted with shit to feel a little bit better.

Finding new hobbies isn't an issue at all for me, that's not what I was implying. I'm constantly finding new interesting things.

I've hiked enough for a lifetime and then some. That's all there is to do outside unless youre a wealthy normalfag. Hike and go to the beach.

also this "eventually you'll burn out on all your hobbies" is a meme, plenty of people go their entire life sustained by a love of film, a love of music, a love of sports, or games like chess.

Yes but it gets better when I change my environment, like going to a different room or even like a cafe or something. Also unplugging from the internet makes me calmer and more focused on my body and my environment which in turn grounds me and makes me less anxious. Also I have a hobby and as long as I do my daily practice I feel like I'm "allowed" to relax and be comfy.

I have a reasonably normal family though and they mostly let me be, no door slamming or yelling or anything that would make me feel bad. If you live with people who constantly make you feel unsafe and on edge then you need to get away somehow.

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Yes this is me. Cant nap Cant enjoy vidya Cant laugh

Going to the beach, hiking, running, cycling... thats basically what I do outside. And sometimes just walking and looking the city or stores and sit somewhere to eat something.

All of that is much better with friends but I mostly do it alone.

It's all I have to at least be able to go outside of the house and feel a little better.

>Cant laugh
This is the canary in the mine of suicide

>And sometimes just walking and looking the city or stores and sit somewhere to eat something.
Not the guy you're replying to but thank god for the gig economy, now I can go out and run errands for strangers and pretend I'm useful to keep me busy!

>like going to a different room
I find this to be true also weirdly enough. Sometimes I'll sit in my living room just for the change of environment.

I can't bring myself to unplug the internet, but I've gone invisible on all social medias like steam to feel less involved with it entirely.

>f you live with people who constantly make you feel unsafe and on edge then you need to get away somehow.
There's no escape for me, I'm physically very sick and mentally ill. I lived on my own for a year and thought about killing myself every single day. I sat in an apartment in darkness for a year just waiting for it to be time for work.

sounds like normalfaggotry to me

so are you on neetbux? whats the diagnosis?

Have you tried nature? It helps me a little

>I light candles
Are you a w*man or something?

The reason you don't burn out is because you already live a relatively good life. People seriously underestimate how important good health, good family/social-circle and good finances are. If you have those you don't need anything else, but if you don't then escapism won't work forever.