Do you think the Amish are better off than you?

Do you think the Amish are better off than you?

Attached: amish-family-horse-buggy.jpg (720x480, 65.39K)

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>living in an inbred community
>can't build anything sophisticated
Probably not.

The only variable that matters is that your parents love you. And Amish people literally have a tradition where they make their young adults spend time in normie city life to decide if they would go on the grid or not.

So, you could be from the gooboogoogoo tribe in the amazon jungle and be better off than me if your parents actually loved you.

rumspringa basically allows you to blow off steam before you're baptised

Attached: mary-19-just-a-simple-amish-girl-on-rumspringa-looking-59934032.png (500x557, 146.31K)

Some inbreeding looks pretty good

Attached: amish3.jpg (720x707, 78.77K)

I live near an Amish community and they even helped repair my house


how can I beat jedidiah bros?

The Amish seem pretty based. It's not for me but I wonder why all the traditionalist LARPers don't just go join the Amish or create their own similar communities.

I'd recommend this series:
It's definitely biased in a pro-Amish direction though but still interesting.

Attached: weird-al-yankovic-amish-paradise.webm (480x338, 442.54K)

The amish are fascinating to me. I want to vist some communities, haven't seen them in like 10 years.

all the faggots crying about wanting a white ethnostate should just move there. oh wait, you're all lazy larpers and whiners

The major problem is amish don't believe in self-defence so they'd allow themselves to be steamrolled. so close yet so far.

who the fuck is steamrolling them? they seem to be living just fine and have been for as long as they've been around. theres always an excuse with you losers.

you just dont want to lose your videogames, anime, and CP.

Absolutely, I aspire to live a life as good as the amish.

Amish girls are really cute.

>yfw they don't wear shoes

Attached: amish4.jpg (650x520, 76.65K)

amish are pretty based except the pacifism thing, that's cringe
their woodworking is top notch too

good, then they will avoid the modern day shoe jew.

Amish guys rape so many 3 year old girls

depends on what you mean but no not really

Because they know they are too mentally weak or addicted to modern luxuries to even conceive of the lifestyle that the Amish have, let alone actively participate. Same reason why they are always online on Sundays, or every other day.
t. PAfag

Amish are kinda like jews. They have a massive persecution complex and have no scruples when it comes to screwing over non-Amish.