Im 18 and my bf is 29

im 18 and my bf is 29
people always say it's too big an age gap and he's wrong for it, but do you really think it's so bad?

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No, you're an adult, go suck 80 year old cock for all I care

You're two grown ass adults. You can do whatever the fuck you want.

no, i'm hoping i can bag some teen pussy well into my 40s

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Nah. My girlfriend doesnt know i am 10 years older than her actually.

>"I'm a 29yr old incel fishing for validation that it's not too late for me"

You're basically a child in comparison but nothing really matters. It's all relative.

Nope she's an adult by all accounts.

id kms if i was 29 and lonely, even worse as a 29 yo virgin

No. As long as he doesn't hit you or rape you and he provides for you, sounds like a standard deal.

As a 30 yo with a 19yo hitting on me its a little weird. Its nice and shes been mature about it but I feel like I can't compliment her without coming off as a predator and it makes me very uneasy. Even with her making all the moves, it would be extremely easy for her to paint me as a freak and call police and ruin me.

this was exactly my bf. i chased after him a lot and he was a bit weirded out and apprehensive to response to it because of the age gap so a lot of it was me flirting with him often. he clearly liked it, he just found it weird to reciprocate it.

this is why i posted kaji and asuka, we had a very similar dynamic.

>it would be extremely easy for her to paint me as a freak and call police and ruin me
Lolwut? She obviously wants to fuck you, why would she fuck you over out of nowhere? Stop reading the delusions of virgin teens on the interwebs and ask her out to dinner you faggot, go get your cock sucked and enjoy yourself.

Had? Did things end or did he eventually loosen up and get more flirty/affectionate?

he eventually loosened up but every once in a while i tease him and call him old man or jokingly say he's weird for being with someone much younger.
but had because that's just how our dynamic used to be before we started dating, nowadays he's much chiller and comfortable with being cutesy with me.

There's nothing wrong with it. Nobody ever haired about this shit until the modern day. Don't let people shame you or your bf, it's none of their fucking business. When people judge you, you should ask them why it's wrong, and if they don't consider you an adult, and then tell them that you find it insulting.

I swear, it's the same shit as white savior complex but for age. These people who judge you both don't see you as an adult with the capability to make your own decisions, just as white saviours pretend to believe in equality but the second I as a brown person want to vote for a republican candidate all of a sudden I am "voting against my interests" and have "internalised white supremacy" or some shit. Tell those cucks you are an adult and don't like being treated like a kid.

That's not how it works. You can't be a child "in comparison". You are an adult or you aren't. Stop fucking over the meaning of words.

You're adults so you can do what you want but at the very least understand that a 29 year old is probably not all that interested in your personality, just your youth/body. He probably (rightly) thinks you're retarded

Daww thats good to hear, thank you for sharing it gives me some hope that pursuing this might turn out okay.

Is it wrong? no. If I had a daughtere and she was 18 dating a 29 yr old I wouldn't be happy.

Bro u gotta think about it
He was 11 when u were born
Hahah just imagine he waited till it was legal xdd

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it depends on how intelligent, mature and developed your brain is
all of these 3 are things that people at your age love to overestimate.
do what you want but the likelihood that you're mature, intelligent and developed enough at your age for a relationship with an almost 30 yo is veeery low

you're even really a person until you're 21

you're not* even, lol