
Rei is running late for school: Day 1123

If only you knew how Rei things really are.

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Stop right there, baka criminal!

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Jesus fucking Christ you've been at it for years. You don't even remember why you started this shit. I've always hated your threads because you remind me that time waits for no one.

"A why? I know you've always had a really, really vivid imagination, Champ. You always had quite the noggin', which explains all those cartoon action man figures you have in your room. Remember those? But that's all they are, Champ: Cartoons. They're make-believe, like getting a job over the Internet. Remember when you were a kid and you said you wanted to be a ninja? Then you said you wanted to be an astronaut or a doctor or a Super Apache Gunship foiling the madman's plans for world domination? Well, you can still be those things, Champ. The sky's the limit. The only thing holding you back is you, Champ. But every journey, like getting a real job, begins with a single step. And that's the step you'll take when you head on in there, walk up to the manager, stand up straight, look him in the eye, and give him a firm handshake. If he doesn't hire you, what've you got to lose? We'll drive around town checking in with every store within screaming distance, and we won't turn back until someone hires you right on the dot right on the spot. Heck, you'll practically be running the place in no time. They're bound to love your -- uh, what was it? What did you or that one counselor back in your grade school say it was? Automotivism skills? I'm sure you'll put those to good use at a place like this. There's potential here, Champ."

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Dad, you are here! Sorry I didn't bump your thread yesterday...

"Eh, that's okay, Champ. We'll be Notre Dame: We'll get em next time. But champ, if you wanna get a job, the best way to do that is to strike up a conversation with a manager, give him a firm handshake, and challenge him to a game of MAHJONG. You'll be making six figures in no time once you hit him with a double yakuman.

There's nothing to it! When I was your age, we were facing our cross-town rivals over at Allentown Prep. They were the best team in the entire state, and they had this monster of a defensive end: A huge fella by the name of Chet Anders. He was 6'5 and 260 pounds -- or he was until I dove at his knees on a cut block and took him out. Sheer luck it took the paramedics 15 minutes to get him to stop screaming. And that was with the scouts from Alabama, Notre Dame, and USC in attendance. Last I heard, he leapt off a bridge after he couldn't even hack it in Hacwamanee Community College as a third-stringer."

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877 days till 2K! Toastbump for Rei.

Heya Rei-poster!
Yeah. They've been up for a while. I do wonder why they started making the threads. The dedication is cool

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Based Spartanposter

Hello, fren. Good to see you again.

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Reianon is the only reason I have to lurk this board

Hello out there
We're on the air
It's running night tonight

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I agree! Thanks, fren.

You're looking LIVE at Indianapolis Motor Speedway for the 107th RUNNING of the Indianapolis 500

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I already know dad pronounces notre dame like "noter daym".

>/Rei/sist Arrest

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this Monday Run Day will be good for all Reifriends, I can feel it.

on the other hand, it's nice to have a warm familiar constant in these uncertain times


You are welcome here anytime, user

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rei will be saved by the bell

Tension grows
The cicadas blow
And the Rei goes the road

I am off to wage slave for ten hours but I am making double overtime today at least. Happy Labor Day Rei thread. I hate the board but I love you.

Nobody gets out alive!

wasnt expecting to find this thread right now
thx for keeping bumped til I got here

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