Stop over reacting to your problems

Stop over reacting to your problems

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Not a single one of those solutions answers a single one of those problems.

no thanks I'm going to kns instead of being reindoctrinatrd into someone else's bullshit culture
just let me be miserable. you don't need to bring me down, already do that enough you fucking asshole

how are books going to fix an ugly face, being short or having a shitty job

>dating apps
>help I've inhaled toxic gas!
>here breathe in these exhaust fumes!

>shitty job
change jobs
vibe with short people
>no gf
increase your social circle by going out more and trying new things
>low IQ
take more time on learning new things
>ugly face
>no friends
stop spending time alone

There's a book that explains how to kill yourself

>me being 160IQ and making memes to endlessly troll the 120IQs

I hate how people always present therapy as a simple solution. Mental issues are more prevalent among the poor and therapy is relatively expensive. The majority of people who need therapy simply can't afford it.

>stop spending time alone
but I am alone because I have no friends

>humans are normally born with infinite friends
that's a nice theory but if you spend time alone, I truly and honestly believe you should suffer and never learn why.

stop minimising, gaslighting, and generally behaving like an npc-brained bluepilled faggot-ass dumbass

Therapy only helps people with no real issues. Anything beyond "i got a little sad after moving out and need a little meditation to get over it" is really shooting arrows.

Psicology and psychiatry don't know shit, if other medicine fields were as unreliable and with such inconsistent results no one would take medicine seriously.

technically, it would be gaslighting to think that "no gf" or "ugly face" are somehow difficult problems

This 100%. All the "mental illnesses" that psychologists have come up with are absolute bullshit. Nobody actually believes that schizophrenia or depression are real diseases or could ever be fixed, some people are just naturally evil. You even have some modern retards claiming that anxiety can be a mental issue, like fuck that's just a fucking emotion you don't need pills for that shit.

There is no solution to me being a 5'1" turbomanlet nor is there any solving the no gf problem because of that.

no it wouldn't, and they are

To be fair, you are most likely a woman at that height and would be looking for a bf.

it's gaslighting to suggest that. some people have actual problems.

Except I'm not, I'm male.

That sounds like a lie to me personally at this time.

Start trannymaxxing

Keep burying your head in the sand then I guess. Your type usually does when someone pokes a hole in their worldview.

My type being what exactly? You're too small to even drive.