In the end, it doesn't even matter

Pic related is happening to me right now
Feels bad broskies
And the bus is packed
I bathe, I think I dressed neat, I havent stepped on any shit, I haven't looked or talked to anyone here
Can normalfags sense if you are a weirdo?

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>Can normalfags sense if you are a weirdo?
Anxiety, pensiveness, and a lot of other negative emotions that passively stew inside you are worn on your face and your posture, even if you think you're not showing it. So yes. I was not happy to learn this.

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Shit bro I wish I stayed inside
I havent looked anywhere else except for my phone
Seat beside me still remains vacant
Fuck me
I havent even done anything wrong except being socially awkward
Why do normalfags treat me this way
My ass hurt, I wish I was at home

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They maybe afraid youll hit on them and they either do not want to talk or they already have a bf the creeper usually dont and its easier to say no to a creep

It could also be a comfort thing
I wouldnt sit next to a guy around my age because they may see it as flirting and since Im an ugly land whale I dont want to make them uncomfortable

I had a random girl lay her head down on my shoulder for an entire bus ride one morning

I always used to suspect even as a little kid everyone was part of some big telepathic psychic network I was not linked to. Posture and expression give away a massive amount of information and most normal people and pick up on it even subconsciously. You might as well be broadcasting your thoughts aloud about how anxious and worrisome you are as you type this into your phone, it's functionally the same. And if you've been sad and lonely long enough, your face really does get stuck like that.

Greentext it user, I need it so I can dream it!

Man I would think about that all the time

The first time i saw this it legit took me like 5 min to get it. Then i realized the guy had cancer :(

No, everyone says I am very nonchalant and chill, but I feel like I am on the edge of leaping over coworker's desks and strangling them on a daily basis. I'm like that Ben Stiller movie

This is the only reason I use public transportation to nowhere every morning. All those tired wagie cuties dozing off are my only source of human contact.

There is no "greasy creep" just because a man is fat doesn't make him a creep, ffs. You loner types have a higher probability of being creeps than that guy portrayed in the image.

I hate this its like they don't sit next to you just because you are suffering. They want you to suffer more for some reason. They just don't see you as human or worth caring about.

So basically just become like a crackhead looking creep and you'll be accepted enough in normalfag society?
Crackheads>Socially awkward young adults

I wouldn't mind having you sit next to me. Just so long as somebody is.

I am nott saying that they chose to seat beside greasy people and also I don't think all fat people are greasy
I just mean the situation in the pic related, where everyone doesn't want to seat beside me

>Pic related is happening to me right now
you were the greasier creep

yeah its crazy, its like you cannot hide your thoughts even. they just read it through your body language. and then subconsciously know it from getting a bad feeling about you.

that would be intoxicating. when women are close to me on the bus I get sleepy because they are intoxicating.

I think its cause at a certain age your brain adopts the social cues and how people interact with each other . But if you spent most your childhood alone or bullied then you missed out on a critical stage of learning how to interact with others. While we spent inside playing call of duty yelling nigger to achieve some sense of power in our pathetic lives . Chad and the normies were developing their most useful skills you can ever have and that is how to interact with others

There was a period in early high school where I was a normie, or at least as close to it as possible. I regularly talked with people and had some good friends. It was a magical time where I remember people would casually come up talk to me and girls would always look at me and smile. Shit I didnt even work out then and thin as beanpole with bad acne.

Then summer vacation came and since my house was isolated, I didnt see a single person. My anxieties and fears came back and people avoided me again. Im now 24 and ripped and get told I look like a model, but people never look at me or approach me.

Years of anxiety, isolation and loneliness have etched themselves onto my face and body. People can see it a mile away no matter how hard I try to act normal. The truth is, if you have any feelings of self consciousness and insecurity, it will shine like a beacon to those around. People pick up on this stuff subconsciously and know. You often see it in the mannerisms of young kids and teenagers who have yet to build self confidence.

Anyways, its over. It doesnt matter how physically good I look, I will never look good mentally.

yeah that is so true, fuck!

why don't the people who can see it have compassion though? How come they never think, "that person has really bad social anxiety I should be nice to them and sit by them". Instead they think, "that anxious person is a disgusting creep I'm not going to show any compassion and sit far away from them".

Look at this user just goes to show that theres more to the black pill then there appears to be . If you were ugly at a small age and glowed up youd never compare to the guy whos always been good looking . I just wish theres a way to fix this but if you think about it its as if asking a car to fix themselves or a human to operate surgery on ourselves .

Im a failed normie but I can still operate within realms of normie world . Whst ive seen is if your very autistic , retarded or just mentally to gone normies will try to help you and make themselves out to be a good person. But if your like me and other anons and not to far gone where you needed a tard wrangler peoplr just view as a creep or weird.