Why don't homeless people just move elsewhere where rent is cheaper?

Why don't homeless people just move elsewhere where rent is cheaper?

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I'm sure no place's rent is $0

They don't pay rent. Doesn't get cheaper than that.

Why doesn't the state have programs to ensure housing for all?
It's not the 1800s

Because the US has hostels we call homeless shelters and the only cost to get in one is your pride and overcoming your fear

What fucking slavery tier wage are you getting if you need a place that doesn't charge rent?

Do you have more pictures of this rat? Or pictures like the one you posted?

Homeless people don't work, not the ones I've seen.

No, it doesn't have all 4 legs.

You aren't the brightest.

Because they are lazy sacks of shit who'd rather shoot up in the Denny's parking lot than doing something productive

Because it's not their responsibility to take care of people like they're still children. Their job is to make laws and defend the country, not pamper people when their in the 40's and fund their meth addiction.

Moving costs money.

Lots of people want to get married and start families, and you can't exactly do that in a rented home (at least not comfortably)

>Their job is to make laws and defend the country,

Their job is to give us whatever we demand. They serve us, not the other way around.

lol, no you get what you vote for. Homelessness is basically unheard of in most first world countries. Where do you live? Murica or some shithole like it?

There are hundreds of thousands homeless, this seems like a huge untapped resource. Can't they be turned into energy or compost or something beneficial for society?

Not all homeless people live on the streets, people who live with family or friends count as homeless too.

Basically if you don't own or rent your own place, you're homeless.

Yeah, but how do we turn those people into fuel or electricity?

wtf i didnt know i was homeless!

Because you either take people's property away which ends up with nobody renting anything and nobody can move into your city because everyone is afraid they are going to loose their real state
Or you build new apartment buildings and houses for them to live in and surprise concentrating all poor people in one area turns it into a ghetto and crime goes up and drug addiction goes up and nobody there even tries to find employment

How about joining the military

That 50 year old crackhead on the street corner who's all skinny can't join the military

If women can join I'm sure there is a place for him

yea, target practice, kek