Bros, genetics completely fucked me

>wide hips
>6 feet tall but look weird, hips are abnormally big
>fucked up fat distribution
>very weak
>cant grow a beard
>hot flashes
>low sperm motility
>very small testicles and penis
the fuck went wrong with me

Attached: sperm test.png (634x697, 37.93K)

like dude wtf is this

Attached: like nah bro.jpg (473x1024, 56.72K)

holy shit

..why do you have the physique of an obese black woman

>the fuck went wrong with me
do you have anyone to compare with? you need a baseline before you can get any answers to that question.

please be in London

Troon out will happen some day. Just watch.

Very breedable orig

Did you try testosterone medication?

I dont know
yeah, like everyone
in the USA

Lay off the processed foods. Intermediate fast. Try a few 3 day. Get into a physical hobby. Gain a network.

ok but what swould that do exactly

Nah the upperbody ruins it its nasty tbhhh

so how do i even go about fixing something like this?

What were you fed growing up? What is your regular diet like today?

user you know you literally have klinefelter syndrome, right

Attached: B3FBB9A5-A378-4C54-80B6-80ED74B19EA9.jpg (320x340, 12.97K)

idk. food. varied food;. i had my fruits and vegetables
and i eat about the same nowadays
really ? I mean my body does look like that pic but idk

go see a doctor, but everything seems to line up
-wide hips
-weaker muscles
-poor beard growth
-small testicles
-low sperm motility
you have an extra chromosome, user

Attached: C886AF84-9600-4A1B-8F0A-4FDDA8614361.png (638x479, 82.33K)

yay im retarded!
no but fr how serious is this? and isnt that like super rare
i do look like that pic tho
like scarily so

idk man see a doctor. have you never brought up any of this with them. also you're not retarded, i think intelligence isn't effected

>have you never brought up any of this with them.
no? i thought it was normal