Told my gf that I loved her tonight for the first time. All she responded with was "that makes me so happy"

Told my gf that I loved her tonight for the first time. All she responded with was "that makes me so happy"

You dont want this shit bros. Having a gf can be much more painful than not having one.

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do whats best user

how long have you two been together?
nice trips

I bet you messaged her this on discord or something.

>"that makes me so happy"
She doesn't love you, brother.

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Yeah I feel like scenario only happens when someone, usually the guy, says it WAY too early.

>that makes me so happy
user.... Its over

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I'm sorry, user. Time to pull back and focus more on yourself. Maybe get a few other girls on the side.

proof that toilets are incapable of love

I don't get what all the fuss is about, seems like a normal response to me. She was tired or just not up for conversation.

>seems like a normal response to me.
woman moment

>She was tired or just not up for conversation.
Do you not think that normies would be very excited to hear "I love you" from their partner if they were attracted to them?

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i know you won't believe us but you should dump her, she's seen you as soft and easy to wrap around her finger, she's going to pursue other people while keeping you as a provider in one way or another and she feels secure knowing you want her more than she wants you

the only correct move is to leave her or become extremely cold so she starts feeling like she has to compete for your affection again, you can't let yourself be marked as her territory

Never say it first, robot. You should've known that.

God you posters are fucking retarded and deserve to be alone. Even if the person does love you back, loving is a serious claim and not everybody feels alright just throwing such words around. She is happy that you love her, what the fuck do you want? You should be grateful that a woman who not just tolerates you, but is happy to be with you even exists. Most fuckers here will never have even that, all they will ever get from women is ew.

Better not having a partner than doing cold & calculating Machiavellian shit like this

Playing a girl like a chess game, constantly looking out for threats and tactics and checkmate threats while attempting to move into checkmate (sex) nah fuck that shit brah

youre a fucking idiot for saying it first, op. just kill yourself

I've never been in a relationship, can't read social cues for shit and I'm probably retarded. That response didn't imply disinterest to me, I'd probably give the same response if I were in her situation. I tend to sperg a lot and a response in that vein would save me from an awkward conversation. Seemed like that text out her on the spot so that was her only course of action. I'm a guy btw.

>cold and calculating Machiavellian
holy shit this is basic deduction that becomes obvious if youve had any degree of experience with social dynamics lmao

The average modern woman is conditioned to see men as expendable, the meme that ignoring or being cold to a bitch makes her go crazy with attraction is true and how Chads get women, but they never want to commit to them, just let them be easy pussy.
This is because it's understood that flipping the tables on a woman like this, and making her have to compete and fight for your attention and attraction instead of the other way around, something most women have never experienced, it's not love, it's attraction, lust and competitiveness.
Even if you got a woman who works this way (it's most women these days sadly), don't mistake that for meaning she finally loves you.
Rather she views you as a challenge to be conquered and tamed in the same sense men view other challenges with our natural sense of competition.
Once the "danger" is over, when you're no longer seen as a bad boy to her, the attraction will die and she'll seek out another challenge.

Guys who make women earn their respect drive them crazy, it's what they're into, and it's also true most women don't even know what they want.
This is also why "appearing too weak", or like you did, showing that you're hers and not the other way around so easily, signals to her you don't demand her respect in order to be loyal to her, thus you are seen as easy, a nice guy, safe, a provider, etc. You're the guy she can fall back to after she's done chasing the dudes who'll only fuck her but never commit to her, because you've shown her you'll commit, without her having to earn your respect.

This is why she said "I'm so happy!" instead of "I love you too", but SINCE you know she's /this type of woman/, even if she said she loved you, you could not trust it. She's telegraphed herself to be the predator, you're the prey, therefor she's not trustworthy and you shouldn't get confused as to what love and attraction, lust and property are.

This is how things are, whether you agree or not. You'll learn now or the hard way in time.

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brother, you may be skeptical but i promise these anons are being genuine and trying to convey to you wisdom you can only learn through observation and experience, painful experience you dont want to have
consider the advice before you, if you find your gf keeps being cold in ways like this when you try to open your heart to her and expect your love to be validated just not to have it returned, remember these posts going forward so you know whats happening and dont come back here asking whats happening.


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