Are you glad that summer is over?

I am because going outside during the summer and seeing bitches in skimpy/whore clothes and thick juicy thighs shimmer in the sunlight that I may never touch makes me rage. Also heat drains me so much that I don't leave the house at all, getting sweaty annoys the hell out of me, I can't even open the windows because of mosquitos, bees and other bugs. For me summer is the worst season.

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If the women in skimpy clothes were replaced with fat gays I wouldn't mind so much.

Doesn't really matter because the dumb whores are gonna wear yoga pants all winter

Where are you seeing all this sexy girl skin? I want to see some but idk where I could go.

Im a college freshman and you wouldnt believe how many prime Stacies are out here. Never seen so many beautiful women at once user . Its sensory overload. Just wish I had the guts to make moves but I dont having to deal with emotional attachments that come with rejection

time to fap

I was in mcdonalds and there were these young teenage girls wearing basically bikinis it was so hot and I kept staring

I don't care about women. I don't even go out in urban environment. I'm pissed off when i see another person, the sex or the clothing is irrelevant.
I love summer because i can camp /out/ in the mountains without needing lots of equipment to keep warm.

I am 31 years old, I would love to see a bunch of beautiful college freshmen, maybe smell their perfume walking past them.

I really despise summer. I hate sweating, I hate wearing T shirts that show my skinny arms. I hate forest fires. I hate how expensive AC is. I hate hot cars.

Bring on eternal winter.

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If u were me and 18 yrs old what would you do in my situation

I'll guess you are fucked up and can't talk. You just have to speak, be your own puppet, force the noises out of your throat and mouth. Then it opens the possibility of a girl talking back with you are liking you.

I hate summer cause thats when my herpes pops up

it would throw myself at them

In college i was so wrapped up in my own insecurities and thinking i wasn't good enough that i blew legit opportunities with beautiful girls because i was worried about things that don't matter.

YOUTH IS A HUGE ADVANTAGE!! you don't understand how attractive you are solely because of youth. And the fact you're in college means you're smart and have a future. Girls LOVE guys like that, even if you think you're an awkward nerd.

No one expects anything from you. you can be poor and get laid, you can be stupid and get laid, you can be awkward and get laid. The older you get the more you'll realize how low the bar is for you when you're young.

I'm 34. If I'm poor at my age people are disgusted. If im awkward at my age, people are disgusted. If im stupid at my age people think im pathetic. But you're young so its completely different.

Another thing you should do: try and learn to forgive yourself. Everyone does weird stupid things, its part of being human. don't be like me and eternally agonize over saying the wrong thing 1 time 10 years ago. Let it go.

Final thing you should learn immediately: Regret hurts SOOOOO much more than rejection. Never asking is so much worse than asking and getting a no. I can't fucking tell you how much it hurts, and knowing you wasted your youth on nothing. but again im trying to forgive myself as stated before

that's all i got man, good luck

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user im gonna ask out a girl now on text and if I get rejected you anons better consol me

don't fear rejection, fear regret

God speed you glorious son of a bitch

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She sceeenshotted it and shes my coworker and left me on read . Im looking forward to the weekend when I work with her

what ever happens it doesn't fucking matter. You asked. You put yourself out there. No matter what happens hold you head up high, for you conducted yourself as all men should

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quick text her "haha jk"

this was funny but pls don't actually do this. stick to your guns. she'll only think worse of you if you try to weasel out of it

If she acts like a cunt about it in front of your coworkers and start spreading nasty rumors that are baseless and true, just know we got your back here

Also you have permission to be as cheeky and disrespectful back to her if that is the case.

In a worst case scenario, if she is planning on doing that AND doubling down by turning this into a legal case, then do NOT say anything else and hold your emotions. Wait until you speak with a lawyer and remember your right to remain silent.

Stay strong out there, King. They wont win. They wont put you down like the rest of us.

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I already did and got left on read again

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