What's your idea of paradise?

What's your idea of paradise?
also a pick a door

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literally just existance now but without all the bad stuff and extra good stuff

my idea of paradise? living in peace, being held and supported by someone i love and loves me back

door... the one that lives in my dreams and erases my existence

what about you op?

I would be burnt to ashes for those thicc lassy's asses

Heaven is beatings.

A log cabin by a large lake in a country that is always warm, but never hot. The kind of place you never need any more than a jumper in winter, or less than a light shirt in summer.
A wife that I love and worship, but is very independent. A wife that is with me because she wants me, not because she needs me.
Dogs, a cat. A garden full of flowers and vegetables. A pier to fish off, and a boat to row. Nothing more, nothing less. A simple life of simple pleasures.
I choose the gate in the desert, and an eternity in the arms of my true love.

I choose the 5th one down.

Atlantis to Eden.
Let's go!

the gate in the citadel in the forest, leading to my true love

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>no goat tower
i want none of these. goat tower or nothing

>goat tower
here you go, user

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I will eventually get tired or bored. Happiness can't last forever.

To live in a sanbox would be my prefered heaven

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fourth from the bottom, the entrance just seems really cool and not fantasy like the other ones, well fantasy but not like the others, and the world is not an escape like the others, its just curious to me, thats why i choose it.

The right hand column needs something like:

>A real world that operates by video game rules where you are in god mode and have every weapon and can exterminate all browns and no one can stop you and you brush aside armies and states that try

all the options lead to loneness
I would like to have sex one day

Last one is funny, lol.

Idk I'm split between coomers level and freedom land. Although how do you even get to coomers land? Do you just close your eyes and jump into the lava?
Also empty sandbox looks cool and easy to get to. If I can make any thoughts reality there then I'd definitely choose that one.

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>First one
Doable, payout will probably get boring quick, sort of like Limbo
Hard to get to, I would never achive it, so no
Hell baiting you in with promise of sexworld. Would rather prefer succubus hell where you get endlessly molested in the hellscape itself instead of burning in the hellscape before you even reach your prize.
I never liked summer breaks, always did some sort of childish hobby grind during that. Also no way I am fighting those forest monsters.
Just getting lost in shithole and the prize is way to vague. Yeah, you are with your loved one, but what else? You can be with loved one right now if you are not incel, and love is not eternal anyway considering the amount of divorces, so spending eternity together would get old even faster.
Easy to get doors, prize is basically atheist afterlife, the shittiest afterlife there is. Would rather prefer some kind of hell over this.
Also easy access, just drive forward. The prize is actually the best thing you could wish for, you could build yourself anything to keep yourself entertained forever, even restrict your powers and make yourself ideal universe filled with soulless pawns. Even better it would be if you could erase your memory there every once in a while.
Objectively best option
Nerd entrance for giganerd prize. Only superautists who are obsessed with learning will like this one. You know everything, but what to do about it then? Absolutely nothing, just be happy about yourself that you know it.
Also the same as Seventh. Easy access and awesome prize. However sounds little bit more limiting then seventh, so I put it on second best.
I am already living the haven

not really a place, but more peace of mind

having money to enable freedom too

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1/2 are boring like how much thinking alone can you do
3 seems sus
4 is sweet but unfulfilling like nostalgia becomes sadness over time
5 is ok I guess if you're gay
6 is based
7 is also pretty cool
8 seems like it would underwhelming as there's no such thing a definitive truth
9 where do you poop?
10 is just my current lifestyle

Probably go for 7

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My idea of paradise is the perfect wife and kids. i won't ever have these on earth so i dream of having them in the afterlife, wish me luck lads.

I would choose the forest gate as the quest itself is neat and the payoff sounds like non non biyori, which is my idea of Elysian