I'm a KHV and every time I look at an attractive young girl I want to cry...

I'm a KHV and every time I look at an attractive young girl I want to cry. I feel my heart clutch and I just want to close my eyes, grind my teeth and scream. It's physically painful. It's so painful and frustrating. Anyone else?

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You must be very expressive i just sigh and move on with my day

>see attractive woman
>she smiles back

I'm not very expressive but I can't stop the urge to scream anyway in those situations
I can't stop imagining me hugging them and smelling them and just touching and licking every part of their bodies. But I know that doing something like that is not possible and it makes me want to scream. They're so close to me but so far away too. I cannot handle not kowing how a woman feels. I want a woman to love me and touch me and let me touch her and it's just so AGGGGGHHHHHHH I wish sex wasn't real. I hate feeling like this

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>hugging them
>smelling them
>licking every part of their bodies
i have never been hugged before but even i know that this desperate mindset is a women repellant

I agree, mate.
Just last week I've returned to the local boxing club.
Today's session two prime age thots were there! I wasn't right the whole time, didn't help that I ate way too close to the start of the session.


Imagine being starved your entire life, but you're not allowed to eat food. Born hungry, wake up hungry every day, have never known anything but everlasting hunger. There are constantly perfect, juicy steaks being plastered all over every piece of media you look at and walking juicy steaks flaunting themselves everywhere you go, using products to make themselves look as mouthwatering as physically possible. But you're not allowed to eat them. Even looking at one too long is an offense. You understand that eating them against their will would be a bit mean, so you're not trying to eat them, but they have zero sympathy for your own plight of being constantly taunted, of heaven being just out of reach forever. You have to spend every day pretending you don't desperately want to feel your insatiable urge to eat the steaks because you'll be punished if you don't.

And then to make it worse, the steaks have the audacity to think they're the victims. What's will all these gross hungry people who like the way I look? Can't they all just die? I shouldn't have to deal with the woeful plight of being "looked at by a hungry person". They should all stop looking at me.

And then to make it even worse, if the hungries ever really did manage to stop wanting the steaks, they would cry about it. They absolutely adore being juicy steaks and being lusted after, while sadistically admonishing hungries for lusting after them. It's sick. It's twisted. Femoids have no sympathy for anyone but themselves.

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Hmm licking is pretty common during sex, but yeah of course you don't start a interacting with a girl by talking about that.
Especially ear licking for girls seems popular and very effective.

Then become vegan dude, it's not hard.

>those clean armpits

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I can't stop feeling like this though
I want to lick everything. Her tongue, her navel, her armpit, her pussy
Young women are so beautiful
It makes me want to cry

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Just wait until you're 34, bro. My pain and my pleasure are both like dim echoes in the back of my head. I just wanna go to sleep and never wake up.

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I'm 35 and normally, yes, you're right, it is like that, just a dim echo.

and then I go to Target and there's a bunch of girls in tank tops and shorts (much more so than at grocery stores, oddly) and there's that sharp feeling again.

I wanna be upset but I got lucky and was born with a pretty attractive face. I was always too scared to talk to girls but even if I will always be a virgin it's feels better being good looking and having girls interested vs being unattractive and women completely ignoring me

yes user I know exactly how you feel. Its not fair. We just want to give a female our love and have it returned. We just want to have what everyone else has and be able to hold a girl you desire in your arms happily kissing her.

i really hate seeing whores dressed up like marin

its not fair user. such perfect female bodies with such delicious soft skin and we cannot even touch them. its pure torture to not be able to be with the woman you love.

yeah the craving to feel her beautiful soft skin and caress her. to kiss her lips and smell her hair

This. So much this.
I just want to give a woman all of my affection. I want to attend all her needs. To kiss, hug her, massage her. I want her to enjoy my touch and feel happy. Their beautiful goddess bodies deserve it. But I know it was not meant to be. That I can't actually do it and expect them to be happy for it. But I want it. I want this beautiful bodies. I want to taste them. To admire them. I'd give anything for a woman...
Every single day I wake up and wonder if there's a chance, just a tiny little chance I can experience what others already started experiencing in their teenage years. I'm surrounded by what I love but it's impossible to grasp it. Those beautiful women purposely dressing in enticing ways. Knowing that they don't actually do it for me. It hurts. It's painful. I can't deal with the hopelessness

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>Anyone else?
Me and it will get worse
I got to the point where i look at couples holding hands,huging etc etc and i feel that same pain and some are ugly af yet that people figured out
imagine being so broken and insane you realize theres [and never ever will be] no one for you

Take a hookerpill mate, women are are not some ethereal beings, they are humans, just like you and me

Maybe get some money together and fuck a really nice looking pro.
You are most likely feeling such a way because you dislike that you will never get someone so good looking.
But if you realized on a physical level that through your effort (in earning money) you can actually conditionally get with girls that attractive then I think your resentment and feels with fade.