Does anybody else have dead friends?

has anyone else here had a friend die and how did it happen

ive had several friends who died in multiple ways including over doses
car accidents and even murders

>one of my close friends was lured by his girlfriend to run away with him and for months he was missing
he ended up in Connecticut because apparently the girl pushed him into a ravine and his heart got punctured by a branch
she left him to die and im not sure what ever came of it but fuck that bitch

>another one of my friends died of a heroin overdose and nobody had even suspected she was doing drugs

>another friend happened to be my friend sarahs boyfriend
we all used to hang out together and back when i wasnt single we even went on double dates
he was killed in a car accident when his friend decided to drive everyone home wasted af
they crashed into a wall and our friend brandon was the only person who died that night
theres more but im interested in hearing from others

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How old are you?
in middle school, one of my friends (well I wasn't that close to him) killed himself. I remained friends with his twin brother up until college

im sorry to hear about that user
im 22 years old
ill be 23 in january
most of the people that i personally knew passed away in highschool or shortly after
my friend who was lured by his psychotic girlfriend was a year younger than me when this happened so i was 17 and he was 16

no. i've never really had friends offline, and none of my real online friends have passed yet.
it makes me wonder how much the number next to "last online" would have to grow for them to start assuming things, though. and it's not like i haven't ghosted them and completely isolated myself for a short time on several occasions.

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im glad none if your internet friends have passed away
but im sorry to hear youre feeling this way user
i definitely relate because i used to ghost people entirely just to see if anyone really cared about me and most often they didnt
but its also a good way to figure out who your true friends are in the end
i dont classify my internet friends as any different from the very few i have in real life now
i only really hung out with one girl my entire life and she ended up moving to another country for school
so now sometimes i go over to where her mom stays to keep her company

i know who my "true friends" are already
i never did it for attention when i go back, only out of stupidity. if it weren't for them, i'd probably be buried right now.

actually, i don't know
i don't have schizophrenic hallucinations or anything, but neither my online persona nor what i do in the flesh comes off as especially real.
it's only by pure chance that i met them
i have no drive to kms, yet i have zero answers when the "why am i still here?" thought arrives.
i don't know anything.

sorry about your friends user
one of my best friends killed himself and it was my first real experience with someone close passing.

i cant imagine how that must feel
luckily the people i was friends with who passed away i wasnt that close with
not that it makes it much better but im not sure what i would do without my best friend
its sad to think that ill never hear from those people again though
im sorry about your friend aswell

i've long accepted that unless i get involved in an accident, suicide will be my exit.
i've promised one of those friends that i'll tell him when i do it for the sake of closure, but in retrospect that puts both of us in a pretty tricky spot.

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I wonder sometimes if anyone I knew back then have died already

i highly suggest you let life run its course as bad as it may seem
you never know how things may be in the future for yourself
try to make the best of your situation if possible and keep your head up
let death come naturally as its supposed to friend
you would be dearly missed by the people who love you

good lord i hope not, i'm in my early twenties

me aswell
trying to remain somewhat optimistic though either way
im not in the best situation but i make it work

I had a friend die a couple years back during his first year at uni. He was riding one of those electric skateboards down a hill and cracked his skull open.

Really shocking and sad. Nothing could have prepared me for it. I remember it finally hitting me when I was helping his parents break down chairs at the funeral.

closest thing i had to a friend dying was a kid on my sports team in HS - he died in a car accident, fleeing from police apparently

thats a horrible freak accident
im sorry to hear that
it never feels real until life starts passing by and you look back on the people you used to know thinking about how youll never speak again
i hope youre doing alright user

My best friend in high school killed himself

yes this friend i hate who all ways got to have sex died and now i'm so happy and relieved. None of his experiences can he remember. it is just like they never even happened for him. hahah i won in the end.

sex is lame user
and women are even lamer
he probably wouldnt remember any of those skanks anyways and would end up with an std while your chad sperm awaits for its time to shine

im sorry to hear that
i hope you are doing alright