What is the worst thing that you have done?

What is the worst thing that you have done?

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kept myself living for 23 years and counting

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truly evil no doubt

only one thing weighs on my conscience.

also.. to the anons thinking these board are anonymouse.....

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I punched a girl in the head while we were fucking. I just knew it would traumatise her. It did. I liked it. She did tell me beforehand she liked being dominated sooo

When i was 5 years old sitting in the punishment corner near the coat hangers of my elementary school i touched my dick thinking about a cartoon i saw on TV. Then i went down a horrid path, and my coomings went from once per week, to once a day when i was 11, and then it all went out of hand and i coom more than a 1250 times a year every year since i am 15 to my current age of 27. I was never caught, which left my descent uninterrupted.

Why do some people delight in doing harmful and destructive things? What do they get out of it?

When I was like 8 I was making my dad a can of tomato soup on the stove, and had a terrible cold. and runny nose.. My runny nose dripped into the soup. I served it to him anyway. That's pretty mild so the shit he put me thru so I don't really feel bad about it, just disgusted by it.

Prank called the samaritans once. Still feel shitty about it.

What's the samarittans in this context?

Jaywalked because I ran out of patience. Damn I still feel guilty.

stole a girls password in college. how i did it: she was absent mindly entering her username and password. without her noticing, i used her mouse and clicked on the username entry field just before she started typing her password. so when she typed the password, it was visible.
throughout the year i logged into her account and copeid her work. not like copy and pasted, just used it for ideas. but the messed up part is that she actually kept journal entries on the college computer. writing about her stresses and boys and stuff. even me. recently i found a 10 year old USB that still had some of her work documents on it but sadly none of the diary entries. one day she came into the computer lab while i was logged onto her account and she sat down and started chattign to me for like half an hour. luckily she didnt attempt to log into the pc next to me or it would have said i was logged in. i think i said brb toilet and logged out i think.

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Only bad if she finds out or you do anything mean to her. Female privacy is a meme.
I once blindly threw a pint glass off a pub balcony and heard it hit a car. Didn't get caught but the bouncer came up and locked the balcony after that.

One time I was at my cousins place when I was a kid and I had to hold in a turd but I couldnt hold it and I shit and the turd went down my pant leg and they didnt notice till I left and had to clean it up

I accidentally killed my pet chicken once. Or maybe it was a duck. I forget.

Please tell me that was last weekend, because that would be even better.

Punched my mom, threw a stove on the ground in a fit of rage without knowing if it was active, risking to kill us both

Watch tranny porn and baby monkey torture for visual enjoyment. I'm only 20 years old.

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Why do you have such boomerish fetishes?

I beat a teammate nearly to death

Piss and feet too. Used to do creepshots in high school. In other words, I listen to a good amount of music before I was born.

Stole a car high on benzos and tried committing suicide by cop. I was sentenced to 300 days misdemeanor confinement

Angrily threw a stick at my sister. The fact she immediately leveraged it to try to win favors prevented me from ever feeling guilt about it, however.