[Extremely important sad and tragic news]

[Extremely important sad and tragic news]
Another wrestler died in NOAH.

Attached: FbPFJhPacAAM-OL.jpg (1920x1080, 306.97K)

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what's his fuckin problem

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>shoot kicks you in a fake fighting match

What kind of sloppy shop has wrestlers respond to a medical emergency

more like the crowd died

The Killer Finner

Attached: KO-D champ KO'd.webm (1280x720, 2.78M)

it's a work


Dangerously based

don't worry bros i will kill this faggot for good
Turnbuckle throw it is

Attached: Seth_Rollins_Bio--72130ce54b794fca16e54bda79a419ab[1].jpg (1200x675, 99.36K)

>twitter thinks this is Nakajima taking out his frustrations on younger guys
I dunno it looked more like an accident

You know its bad when you’re opponent immediately starts to try cpr

don't listen to them twitter users are so fucking retarded

>japshitters can't work
News at 10

that dude's a fuckin weirdo. constantly talking about cuming on wrestlers and trying to get clout by getting into fights with chase owens. why are so many euro wrestling fans unemployed and terminally online teens?

Do they know it's supposed to be a work?

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real sloppy shop today

Attached: 1563794577659940864_ait1L_FXavXCwE1x.webm (960x540, 554.59K)

Unless you're Bret Hart I don't know why wrestling fans would argue against based stiff as fuck wrestling, it looks awesome

>Dangerous shitter who shoots on guys because hebhasba small penis and keeps knocking people out
>Just an accident
Dude, if you're letting a guy strike your head and they aren't being careful then you can die. This dude is a fucking reckless piece of shit who is actively hurting people as a cope

Wrestling is fake?

They're legitimately horrible wrestlers.

Kek, what a real tough guy

>getting heemd in a match
wasnt this guy a champ of a different promotion? talk about worst case scenario lmao.

make the call, Kendo

Attached: jun.jpg (640x853, 67.92K)

not his fault a rookie tried to block a kick with his face

Bret landed on his head onto concrete

Current day Nakajima vs Rollins circa 2015-16 but he only uses the buckle bomb.
Who shoot injures who first?

ugh pre-knee seff