How suicidal have you been feeling lately on a scale of 1-10?

How suicidal have you been feeling lately on a scale of 1-10?

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10. Life over the past couple of 10 years feels more like a bottle with lots of pressure in it unable to escape. Only being allowed to escape when a small hole appears out of nowhere.

Normally a 3, but when I think about my future its an 8. Im probably still going to be living with my mom 10 years from now and that freaks me out


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It doesn't matter since I can't tie a noose for shit.

Around 8-9...ironically my medication actually makes me feel less bothered about living and more okay with the concept of death. I have no purpose in life or happiness. Death and peace would be fine for me.

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Since the start of the year the urge has been increasing more and more, each day doesn't go by without at least a couple of intruding thoughts. So I'd say my range is from 5 to 8.

All I want is for it to end one way or another.

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today is my birthday and i'm feeling a strong 10/10
we'll see how the night plays out

A good 8 or 9. I just don't see w reason to go on... Life is brutal and there's no comfort. Why should I even work hard anymore?

8 and I can do it right now. Fuck it hurts to cling to an empty life.

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7. But Im in the military. Civilian me would be a 4-5 because I could smoke weed

probly an 8, havent got out the ol shooty in a sec but life's getting a little too funny haha ha ha ha hah ha HA HAH HA HA STOP FUCKING DOING THIS SHIT WHY FUCKING EXIST
ya know

flickering between 3-8 erratically,
what made you join the military?

totally meant to respond to you, feel better fellow sufferer on this stupid world

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10, it's going to end when it cools down outside.

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trying to get my life together. I'm joined when I was 25 Im 1y in

Suicidal? Idk about that
But my "I wish I was dead" desire is at 11

damn I'm 25 and have had that same thought, I'm guessing its not working?
Are you older than most of the other recruits?

10. I'm too cowardly to actually go through with it but I'd like to be dead before the end of the year.

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An 8 sounds right.
I'm not quite to the point of actually killing myself. However, if the means to easily do so were presented to me, I probably would. If there was a loaded gun to my left, I'd probably use it.

9 recently. just hate my life so much. but God keeps me going. if I weren't saved i'd be gone i think.
John 12:25
He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal.

we're all gonna make it

11 rn, really considering the kpop suicide method

I already did boot camp on average most are 19-21. its alright, I'm in a good job so I wont be homeless when I get out. But all the problems I had when I was a civilian are still there. Lack of motivation

6/10 and rising

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