Wait, so femanon, you're... how old?

Wait, so femanon, you're... how old?
And you don't even have a single child yet?

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i just turned 18, you dont and will never have a child

those two on the right have white husbands don't they

These all look like they are in their late 30s
How many of these kids will be autistic

Don't care, got bigger problems

no thanks user, im sterile anyways so you cant do shit uwu
all of them.

>no thanks user, im sterile
Ah, the perfect woman. Be my gf plox

Can't you just crash at Chad's? Or at least one of your beta guy friends?

be the sterile gf in my harem

I had a friend growing up who swore she hated children and would never have any. She's married and she's got a little son and she seems truly happy for the first time since I met her. Beautiful and life affirming.

21. also, every woman with kids at work has been an asshole to me and it seems like they're all tired of their life and take it out on others. I mostly have girl friends so it's not like i don't get along with other girls, but most moms just aren't very pleasant people, because of all the stress they go through.

I do the cooming, you do the raising, bye.

I recently turned 19, user. I'm trying to find the right guy who will want 5 kids with me

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Hi I want 5 kids

And you never will so have fun wasting your life looking for a man that doesnt exist.

we should fling childless women over 25 into space with a massive trebuchet, it's not in the bible, but I would bet God would allow it

Marry a beta provider and have five kids with your Chad side lover!

28 here. I'm the only woman in my family that doesn't have kids except for my Aunt. You can tell it makes my mom seethe. But I have never been maternal or a very good caregiver. I also really hate kids, from babies to teens I just hate being around them. I only like being around other adults

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>I only like being around other adults
>That's why I hang out on 4chin with 14-year-olds

The based procreative zoomer!

You must be 18 years or older to post here. Is there something about yourself you would like to announce to the jannies?

It changes when it's your own kids

I'm 28, but I'd be surprised if the average age here was above 20, and even then it's only because of a couple losers and the Discord groomers pulling it up.

Yeah sure thing fellow "28 year old"

Hello I'm 26 and also don't want kids. Wanna get married?

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