Switch shifts with coworker

>switch shifts with coworker
>an hour before the shift he texts me saying that he forgot he has a mandatory college class so he can't make it
>boss texts me telling me I have to come in
>I haven't actually opened their messages yet
Should I come in or is it not my problem. Also I should mention that the switch is already official, I'm not even on the schedule for today.

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Don't open the messages. Fuck your co-worker for being disorganised. If they complain, tell them you were out with your friends and didn't see the message.
Fuck normies who try to take advantage of you.

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It's too late, not on you. Fuck em.

Based. Ignore it. Never switch shifts again.

Lol he didn't forget, he's trying to get out of work by fucking you over. You covered his shift and he didn't cover yours, it's his problem not yours

I have never met anybody more full of shit than coworkers.

This thread is based. Mute this bitch.

never cover anyones shift, if they ask ghost and be like idk i didnt see it. NEVER do someone else job. remember people can only take advantage of you as much as you let them

You all agreed, not your fault he is a retard that cannot keep track of scheduling. Unless your job is actually important and nets you 6 figs just pretend you never saw it. And NEVER offer to cover shifts, you are always risking being the company doormat that everyone knows they can flake out on.

ignore and if asked why you did it, "oh i had some personal shit to do", not my problemo

Based. Ignore it OP. Then if confronted throw the other co-worker under the bus.

>Should I come in or is it not my problem?
It is not your problem, do not open or respond to the messages at all. You are home. Not at work. It has already been agreed upon that the shifts have been switched, and the only person that would or should be reprimanded is the coworker who agreed to change shifts. If you answer the texts and come in you will set a bad precedent for yourself by being seen as the one they can strong arm into coming in anytime they want. That's bullshit. You have a life, even if it's shitting it up on r9k.

>Also I should mention that the switch is already official, I'm not even on the schedule for today.
Based than you're set. If they even so much as hint that you're in trouble leave. Fuck them. It's easier more so now than ever to change jobs/careers. Punish those fuckers for trying to pull some dumb shit like that, and never help out that shitty coworker again.

More importantly what are you doing on your day off OP?

On my days off I walk somewhere random about an hour away with a bag of stuff and smoke weed throughout the day. Then I come home and read.

Today you also did some out of town activities that were so much fun you didn't even check your phone all day. Oh nooooo sorry dudes but we agreed and bossman approved it.

Also never switch shifts with that faggot ever again. Did he offer or did you?

nah its his problem you need to ignore the message and if they call you, don't answer, call later when you know your boss isn't there, act like you just saw the messages and are confused, it'll bolster your story later. And when you see your boss just absolutely throw your normalslime co-worker under the bus, be like "oh, what? no they didn't tell me anything about it, is the schedule still there? I'm sure it was all approved, did *co-worker not show up? oh no I was with family and didn't have my phone, I called up as soon as I saw it!" fuck them over as much as possible

>Also I should mention that the switch is already official, I'm not even on the schedule for today

Lmao, not your fucking problem.

I remember my mcjob

>put Saturdays as unavailable always
>every single fucking Saturday they call me
>can tell its the work number, never pick up

I started just doing that all the time even on days I marked as available because I hated my job, still got shifts I wanted, never be the helpful doormat at a shiftwork job teach them that you don't exist outside of the hours you want or they'll forever take advantage

if you get paid for both shifts, why not do it and take the extra money?

"I wasn't on the schedule. We switched because I had stuff on today, it was all approved." then show your boss a picture of the schedule you weren't on

because hes not a faggoty little jobsworth

really convenient that he had mandatory college classes one hour before hes supposed to show up for work.
if you're not on the schedule they can all eat a bag of dicks.