Take the metabolism pill

Have you ever wondered why your starving yourself on a reduclos diet while normies just eat casually? Have you ever wondered why your checking a packet of uncle Ben's long grain rich for its calories? Have you ever looked through a macdonalds window on a Friday night and wondered why it's full of zoomer lanklets eating more calories than you do in a whole week? Well if you have wondered these things then you need to take the metabolism pill and accept the brutal reality that weight gain is mostly determined by metabolism not diet or lack of exercise.

I eat less than everybody I know yet I'm still slightly overweight, I literally have one meal a day. Sometimes it's just a couple of sandwiches with cheese slices and one energy drink. I've had this starvation diet for years and I excuses decently, used to do 50 push ups in the morning. It never made a difference.

What made me take the metabolism pill was when I went to see some old friends of mine at bbq, I couldn't even finish one berger so my friends asked jokingly if I thought it was shit, and said it wasn't and that I just normally don't eat so much in one go, thay thought I was bullshiting because I was noticeably a bit overweight.

The conversation moved on to what we normally eat in a day and it turns out that my friends basically eat 3 times as much as me in a day, thay are thin and must of them don't work out and one is basically a alcoholic and a drug addict.

Diet is just compensation for a shit metabolism, if you can't eat 3 normal sized meals a day without worrying about what's in it then your metabolism is shit.

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I have a perfect metalbolism. I don't gain weight. It doesn't happen. I don't even know what it feels like to gain weight.

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you do realize if you want to lose weight you need to do more than pushups. 50 isn't even a lot. go play baseball. or swim.

it's waiting for you... take the testosterone pill

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This is retarded. Do keto. Do vegan if you think that's better. So what is your metabolism is shittier than other peoples'? You going to give up and be an obese landwhale?

See you've taken the cope pill
Stupid lazy fat fuck

Cope. Read the post again. I said that most of my friends don't work out and eat a lot more than me and are thin. And 50 push ups a day and going going on long walks while only eating one meal a day should be enough to stay in shape.

I eat whatever the fuck I want and I'm still slightly underweight. Never gain weight. I've had the same weight since I finished puberty.

No, fuck you. There is no metabolism pill
Its the thermodynamics pill. You cannot get more energy out than you put in. It's a simple, proven, and observable fact of the entire universe.

You are not special. You are not a case of slow metabolism. You're a fat fuck who's eating more than they can burn in a day.

Youre literally eating bad carbs, bad fat, and a metric shit ton of sugar, and saying it's a starvation diet. Fucking lol. Energy drinks =/= starvation.

Secondly, being a robot, I assume you live a largely sedentary lifestyle. I can eat whatever the fuck I want because my work week frequently consists of days spending 10-14 hours on my feet, doing work. I have been 200lbs since fucking highschool, +/- 10lbs. I'm 30 now.

Op, stop being a fat lazy fuck. Cut out the sugar, drink fucking water like an adult. Cut out the sandwiches, get some fucking vegetable fibre in your diet.

Calculate your resting calorie consumption, and eat less than that.

Then, keep a log of your diet and post back here in a week along with your results. I will guarantee you'd have lost weight.

user I can put down 5-7,000 calories in the course of 24 hours. The specifics of individual metabolism might give you a few hundred in leeway, but if I ate what I want every day, and exercised to the degree I want (i.e., almost none) I'd weigh 300+ pounds.

do you just hate food or something?

Also, define a long walk. You know an HOUR of walking only burns like 50 calories right? Your pushups? Maybe another 25-30.

As expected all the diet copers are flooding this thread. I know most be hard to accept that your fag keto diet is just compensation for your shity genetics.

Its literally all calories user, if you really think you are gaining weight while basically not eating anything then you are lying to yourself completely, or just a fucking idiot

No, I totally agree. I have lost around 17 lbs the last week once my appetite went way down. I barely eat right now. I had a real full meal yesterday, but most days I eat around 500 calories or nothing at all. I am so full from lunch yesterday still that I will probably not eat anything today.

You're over complicating it. If you wish to lose weight, simply eat in a caloric deficit, meaning intake less calories than your Basic Metabolic Rate (BMR). If you wish to gain weight, eat in a caloric surplus, meaning intake more calories than your BMR.
Use this to gauge your BMR and act accordingly: calculator.net/bmr-calculator.html

Stop blaming genetics and exterior factors for being a fat fuck.

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Used to go on 5 mile walks regularly, I know it's not the best way to burn calories, but considering that I was only eating once a day I should have been in shape


The only cope here is Op. If it works for MILLIONS of people, but not for OP, then obviously everybody else must be wrong?

Get the fuck out don't come back.

OP is right redpilltards, the only medically effective way to lose wait is a gastric bypass, so you get a small fraction of the calories from what you eat.

facts. it sucks seeing chads drink barrels of beers and eating pizza while remaining sub 10% bodyfat simply because they have 1400ng/dl testosterone and burn through 5000 calories like nothing.

Of course I was eating just only once a day.

Okay, OP. You want help? Be honest with me here.

Make your "meal" and post a picture, and be honest. Let's see what you're eating in a day that somehow makes 5 miles of walking ineffective.

You can you over your calorie limit in one meal easily, you can eat a quarter pounder meal from McDonalds with a milkshake as a drink and thats it and gain weight, if you want to lose weight start doing cardio and count your calories from meals. You can eat one meal, you can eat 3 meals, calories is the only thing that matters

Nice troll
They fucking work and go to the gym you mong. A proper couple hours of lifting heavy weights can easily burn 1-2000 calories.

I had a body builder friend who was eating over 7500 calories a day, and still burning fat. Why? Because he was moving literal fucking tons of weight per day. This can be calculated easily. Mass x distance = work. Calculate those and convert to calories, allow for some inefficiencies of the human body and boom, you can quantify how much work you're doing per Rep.

And it was a LOT of work.

Yeah if I completely cut out everything I enjoy and spend all my free time at the gym I'd probably be in shape not denying. This post was just simply pointing out that if you have to go to such lengths just to stay in shape then your metabolism is shit. Normies don't have to starve themselves and slave away at the gym thay can just eat casually and be fine.