"women hit the wall at age 30"

"women peak at age 25 and by 30 they start speeding up downhill."

-t redpiller

giga cope, women have men flooding them until age 50+

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where you copers at?

That looks like a man to me desu

100 comments calling the queen amazing. 400 upvotes.

ill just wait til 30+ women will hit the wall and then i can finally get one. SIKE NAH

oh no subhuman redditors that are only on r/selfie to jerk off are giving her attention, that means she is desirable

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The internet was a fucking mistake. Simps ruined everything. Why can't these morons never keep their compliments to themselves? SHE'S NOT GONNA FUCK YOU IF YOU SAY SHE IS BEAUTIFUL, ALL YOU DO IS MAKE MALE ATTENTION LESS WORTH. Just give that fucking compliment to a girl IRL that you really like and stfu online.

>women have men flooding them until age 50+
True, but the quality of the men chasing them goes down
The wall is real, you just don't understand what it means

Those are the ones that look the best in old age. The strong bone structure supports the fat in the face so it doesn't sag

Whenever I see women my own age, I just want to stop breathing and die.

leddit is overrun by pajeets. They're bob vegene sperging all over the place.
I'm serious. Just look and you'll notice. What porn subs that aren't run by the onlyfan whores themselvse are all controlled by indian horndogs.

That's white women for ya.

got a jaw like buzz lightyear, it looks photoshopped

you just want a woman to settle for you instead of genuinely love you. you have nothing to offer women because you think 30 is old and you openly admit that you are not attracted to them.

No woman wants to be with a man who hates them.

Look at yourself in the mirror. She is tall, skinny, and blonde with an upper middle class aura. She probably gets way more attention than someone like me.

I am a fat and ugly 28 year old woman and I was a femcel with no male attention whatsoever until I was 27. I got no male attention when I was 20 and thin. None.

Now I have a boyfriend who is obsessed with me and random guys keep trying to hit me up.

Yeah because you find them too old.

See this is what I mean when I say men have extremely high standards and are hypergamous.

>See this is what I mean when I say men have extremely high standards and are hypergamous.
you just interpreted my post however you wanted, didn't you?

>I was a femcel with no male attention whatsoever until I was 27. I got no male attention when I was 20 and thin. None.
I don't believe you.

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> beautiful conventionally attractive thin and blonde woman


this is what I mean. You can have a woman who is thin, conventionally attractive, and blonde and men go way out of their way to call her ugly. Despite he being more attractive than them. This is Hypergamy.

What the fuck are you even here for you then you dumb old whore?

She is not attractive by any stretch of the imagination, conventional or otherwise. She's ugly.

Then dont. No one is forcing you. Men here made me feel like no one would ever love me. Check out the dude calling her buzz lightyear and the other dudes her saying she is so old and ugly. If this is how men respond to someone thin and conventionally attractive and blonde, how do they respond to normal women who are chubby with big hair and big noses? With disgust. If they cant even acknowledge how attractive the top 20 percent of women are, imagine how they respond to the bottom 80 percent. Yikes.

For more evidence, see below.

Another piece of evidence that men are hypergamous and hate women.

Evidence number 3 that men only want the top 20 percent, no 1 percent, of women. There is no end to male Hypergamy. Men only want an extreme Stacy.

Yeah, they're ugly and they're boring and stupid. I want to watch SNL with some brainwashed Karen even less than I want to put my dick in some wrinkly sack of lard.
Nothing in this world is worse than some middle class bitch living life on easy mode who thinks she knows something.

The pajeet simping is the worst. Why would you hit on women from thousands of miles away that you will obviously never meet? They just ruin the dating game for no reason.

I have no doubt that you honestly believe your anecdotes about a web forum are comparable to actual empiricism.
I have no doubt that your stupid ass fails to even comprehend the different.

Repeat after me:




What the fuck do you offer that is superior? Watching anime? You have a decent job? Do you think she is dating homeless dudes and cant financially support herself?

You likely spend extensive amounts of time on Any Forums whining about women. You have nothing at all to offer. You are hypergamous. You think you are better than her because you have somewhat unconventional tastes in entertainment which is a retarded mentality.

Ok mr hypergamous

bait post but to answer anyways she has a cake of makeup plastered onto her face and got a jaw like the crimson chin. redditors simping means nothing. they simp for those two 600 lb girls

>Evidence number 3 that men only want the top 20 percent, no 1 percent, of women. There is no end to male Hypergamy. Men only want an extreme Stacy.
most women i see on the street have a nicer face than op's
you just don't understand what men find attractive