If matter/energy cannot be created or destroyed, then it will continue infinitely into the future

>If matter/energy cannot be created or destroyed, then it will continue infinitely into the future.

>If consciousness is the result of physical processes in the brain, and the matter that makes up my brain will continue to exist for an infinite amount of time, then eventually my brain will reform using the same matter in the same configuration and thus have the same consciousness.

>If you cannot percieve time while unconscious, then there will appear to be no space between my death and my eventual rebirth


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based and boltzmann brain pilled

In trillions of years all molecules will disintigrate into dust

By the same logic, its just a matter of time before you are one of the characters in I Have No Mouth Yet I Must Scream

Cosmic dust with a typewriter

I mean molecules theirself will break down due to

infinity of existence imply nonexistence
what if god napped tho toh ro tsu

What. Speak english mf

This is why schizophrenia is worse than autism.

The universe is going to die. There won't even be atoms anymore.

So you reject the first premise. Why? What could cause matter to be destroyed?

>i do not understand what entropy is

This is a well known "theory" man.

Entropy keeps increasing as the universe keeps expanding forever until all energy is uniformly spread over immense distances.

Define entropy my dude

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If its any consolidation, there's no reason to believe this is the first time the universe has existed nor should it be the last. Existence cannot be anything, but infinitely old.


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>If its any consolidation, there's no reason to believe this is the first time the universe has existed nor should it be the last. Existence cannot be anything, but infinitely old.

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>what is entropy

>If matter/energy cannot be created or destroyed
says who
>If consciousness is the result of physical processes in the brain
says who
>If you cannot percieve time while unconscious
says who

Ill tell you who says who, retards who cant even predict what the weather is going do tomorrow. Nobody knows.

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It's called a thought experiment. If the premises are true, then the conclusion is likely true

its more like, the physical processes of your brain create the illusion that you are a separate autonomous being from the rest of matter, because your "reality" is a hologram created in your mind by the sum of continuous sensory input encoded into memory. however, the true nature of consciousness is something beyond

>the illusion that you are a separate autonomous being
so what the other entities that inhabit this earth are not 'separate autonomous beings'?

>If matter/energy cannot be created or destroyed, then it will continue infinitely into the future.
I believe that the great attractors and supermassive black holes will eventually contribute to a universal tipping point where the cosmic exhale reaches it's zenith and the great inhalation begins. They will consume everything and spit it back out again to create a new. This cycle has taken place billions of times before and will continue forever. This is the nature of reality. Everything is a cycle.
>If consciousness is the result of physical processes in the brain, and the matter that makes up my brain will continue to exist for an infinite amount of time, then eventually my brain will reform using the same matter in the same configuration and thus have the same consciousness
The brain is merely an instrument. Is a security camera alive because it can see? What about the hard drive where the footage is stored? We are the video file, not the hardware. We are cosmic fingers in a glove.
>If you cannot percieve time while unconscious, then there will appear to be no space between my death and my eventual rebirth
There is undoubtedly some form of limbo that some people seem to get stuck in during near death experiences. I believe it is a false sense of security created by their own expectations. Some see their loved ones, some see hell. All I know is, whatever it is, you dont want to waste away there.

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