Women believe having higher dating standards is a good thing, suggest men put in more effort

Women believe having higher dating standards is a good thing, suggest men put in more effort

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it's a little backwards though isn't it? if womens standards went higher, then men would be getting less fat, not more fat. frankly, women's standards are still too low if we really want to reverse the accumulation of bad genetics.

Women want careers equal to men but also want the man to be the breadwinner.

That is because the standards women have vs what they consciously think they have are two separate things, hence the painfully unironic suggestion of therapy to meet a supposed skill gap.

>I have higher standards too, like I want my partner to take care of herself and be healthy. For example, being fat and having poor mental health is a red flag

many such cases

the problem is they don't hold themselves to the same standards

I think women should be treated under Islam laws, everywhere.

holy shit are they just reposting that same article over and over again under different websites and authors?

First time on the internet or something?

What men need to achieve with more effort in order to meet female standards
>grow taller
>keep their hair
>be born with better facial structure
>all of them need to be alphas
>read minds
It's that simple, why don't men put in more effort??

Bitches be all about smashing gender roles and expectations, yet every single foid still wants and expects their man to be taller, stronger, more dominant, and to be the breadwinner. And this expectation will NEVER change, EVER. Women are actual brainless hypocritical sociopathic NPC zombies. Wish I could just go gay and pound some cute goth femboys

Women need to understand that getting jobs that previously employed men also means that they now need to be the breadwinner and support a husband that earns less than them.

the only skill gap i need to close is in my normie punting ability

I have heard this literal quote from a YT video. Where do you have it from?

Hahah why would they do that if beta losers will do anything for a used cunt that was stuffed by various Chads for a decade? Average roastie has over 20 men on OF alone sending her money for nothing.

Women thought they could keep abusing men but once they created the #metoo movement to falsely accuse men of sexual assault, men decided the juice wasn't worth the squeeze. I hope men continue to check out of dating and marriage. The west is gynocentric and women do not give a shit about men due to female in-group bias and their misandry. Men should focus on the things that make them happy.

"Apparently, it's hurting men."
Snark like that and they wonder why misogyny is on the rise and Andrew Tate is popular.

Did they improve their dating standards, or did they just specify to certain circles more?
Was it suddenly realized that a critical amount of men were unwantable, or did something happen within the last 15 years that made them unwantable?


>I have standards now!
The standards:

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They're crazy fucking morons. This is proof that all women have borderline PD. Also they don't want equal careers. They want equal pay for doing a shittier job.

Women ALWAYS choose the most retarded niggercattle shit to judge people off. I wish I could go back in time and skin Steve Jobs alive before forcing him to die of cancer again.

You are the ones who told us to pick better men. So we are doing it. Look at this dipshits thread:

> 27 year old
> virgin with an obvious porn addiction and who is therefore a lowlife degenerate as evidenced by his picture choice for the thread
> girl is overtly showing interest in him
> hes whining that she is not a virgin despite him jacking off to porn on a regular basis

What do you want us to do when these are the nice guys you bitch and moan at us for not dating? Low life psychopath bullies.

I have been on 4 Chan since 2011. And I have learned a great deal about how cruel and disgusting the average dude is, and how their thinking is not much different from that of a monster.

If not wanting an abusive pornsick monster is somehow a recipe for being alone for life, then why wouldnt I want to be alone for life

Is propagating my seed really worth being with a psychopath

what will I get if I put in more effort? What's in it for me?

let them have the standards they want

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Damn those standards

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No why would any man change when a women's standards go up? It just makes more incels and the top 10% of men just get more access to women. The 10% didn't get alrger at all.

why is porn put in the same place as sleeping around?

The answer is that we just stop giving a shit and do whatever we want with our time. And if you meet some fun women, great. If not, fine, let them have their career or w/e. Not sure why a guy would bother beta buxing in this day and age, it's a life path with severely diminishing returns.

>grow taller
>keep their hair
>be born with better facial structure
>all of them need to be alphas
>read minds

Standards still too low desu

Oh shut the fuck up. We all know a fat ugly woman could post nasty shit on her tinder bio and still have an army of men lining up to sleep with her. She could say all sorts of verbally abusive shit, and men would eat her up and worship at her fat feet. But you turn around and make fun of women for doing it with the Chadliest of men.


Well I only date doctors or engineers or business owners because I want to be a stay at home mom so my kids dont end up transgender.

this is so fucking stupid, if not larping you can't seriously be using him as an example for "nice guys".

>your picture
>Thinking a doctor or engineer would ever bother with a girl that wears a fucking toque as a fashion item.
But oh boy, is she ever going to be thirsty for that income once it's betabuxx time.

At this point, women don't even have the power to make me angry anymore. This shit just keeps getting funnier to me.