Why do robots have such high standards? Why won't you just date me, a 0/10 girl? You are all larping volcels

Why do robots have such high standards? Why won't you just date me, a 0/10 girl? You are all larping volcels

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Have to be at least a 4

I will date you if you're close enough
what area are you in

volcel nigger fuck off and die
west coast USA

Shut up bich id a fucked you the second I saw you but you just kept lying

I'm west coast. Can we date?

no you wouldn't, you only want stacy
kill yourself you stupid volcel piece of shit

>west coast USA
state? I'm in OR

Its a similar issue to what men face: if you lack self-confidence in yourself, whether its real or fake, most people will look you over. This applies to all aspects of your life.

On top of that, again with the same thing for guys, take basic care of yourself. Wash your face, take showers at least once every 2 days, don't smell like a swedish rotting fish, dress decently.

Even if you feel like you'll never compete with the stacies and the chads in life, most people don't aim for the 10/10s but want someone to be "normal" and have interesting hobbies and passions.

0/10? How? Fat, ugly, dirty, dumb, slutty? All these combined??

and yet another example of a 0/10 bitch not wanting anything but chad. KEK.

not wanting to fuck jabba the hutt female edition isn't a high standard

Post your god damn discord you little cunt, or shut the fuck up and get off the board. NOW.

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what makes you think you are zero out of ten?

Why don't you just fuck a chimpanzee? Oh, you can't have sex with things you find don't find sexually appealing? Volcel!

she abandoned thread because 1) its a larp or 2) she's a volcel in denial

stop doubting. i want you so bad I came back to you with out even realizing. You are the woman I have always wanted you just can't admit it to yourself. Ill always keep coming back to you because I have no choice. you will always be the last one in my way. I have to make peace with you before I do anything else.

i am 98 lb you stupid stacy chasing nigger go kill yourself
i'm ugly

sick numbers me yes thats the idea kinda. why is everything so sexual. I just want a family

Don't add any other losers from here.

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just confirmed that its larp

post logs volcel