Would I be able to get a Any Forums bf?

Would I be able to get a Any Forums bf?

Attached: 1659181856361317.jpg (720x960, 46.13K)

Looks very huggable but no, I'm scared.

Show pussy then probably

portuguese faggot you are here

Attached: 1611262195879.png (160x255, 28.25K)

no, but i respectfully pass it to other anons

Attached: joj.jpg (736x736, 68.33K)

I knew a Portuguese guy and he told me how his sister left huge unflushed turds in the toilet.

True story bro.

I was always a Any Forums incel user

Yes if you come to LONDON

how many days on HRT are you at

Almost half a year

No, but I'd fuck the guy in the pic (no homo)

The guy is me

those some big ass manhands g

I never claimed to be a women. Im aware im a man so its only natural

Yeah, that's gonna be a kill yourself from me dawg.

Do you like a big cock?
You're pretty cute

>Do you like a big cock?
How big are we talking?

Then no, I want a natural bf that's
mentally strong enough to not get pressured into taking pills

You mean a manlet?

If it matters to you, you're not worthy of my seed.
I'm 7.5 x 5.8 inches

I can offer 8.3 x 6.3