Just go to the gym bro

> Just go to the gym bro
> Just be confident bro
> Just join a club bro
> Just get on a dating app bro
> Just be funny bro
> Just wear better clothes bro
> Just focus on yourself bro it'll come
> Just love yourself bro
Lies. All lies. No amount of self improvement makes you desirable to women.

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Okay, so shut up and stop posting. No one is interested in you being unattractive to women. If you have that problem, either kill yourself or stay off the internet.

>If you have that problem, either kill yourself or stay off the internet.
No need to be a dick about it.
But you're right, OP is a snarky prick who has probably done those things for a couple of months and then given up on it.

the only solution i can think of would be going back in time and cutting ur child selfs nuts off so u wouldnt develop a sex drive in the first place and u wouldnt be mad about not getting any. thats what Id do with a time machine at any rate

Nah, fuck him and fuck yourself you're the typical tourist fag who thinks he's the online savior of humanity. Fucking repulsive fake cunts.

at that rate I would just make sure I was never born

>No need to be a dick about it.
I disagree. The internet is clogged with autistic morons just now discovering that the feelings of other people actually matter to their lives. I have no patience for such people.

>not using your time machine to get a qt Eloi gf

This is basically an incel board at this point. People here are interested in posts like this. Cope harder

I don't give a fuck what's popular on this board. I've been here since before the incel invasion and I will be here after it. It's really just whatever flavor of the month loser is present to make fun of.

Holy shit! it's you.
I was just arguing with you in another thread.
You're actually quite the retard.

Beaches and shores newfag

I guess that's you, huh? Tell me about beaches and shores, user, I'm sure reddit will reward me for your cleverness.

fact number one: i have NEVER DONE, nor will i EVER DO any of these things
fact number two: i HAVE and WILL complain about being unattractive to women on the internet
fact number three: there is absolutely NOTHING you can do to stop me

That's fine.
Then don't get salty when people tell you that you're an idiot.
Because that's what you are.

>fact number three: there is absolutely NOTHING you can do to stop me
Yes there is. I can hide the thread, same as how I deal with annoying name/tripfags.

You dont know shit about Any Forums history, fuck off back to redit you larping newfag

>>Just go to the gym bro
this can unironically be life changing IF you have potential. if you are obese and have a handsome face hidden under your fat, its good advice
>>Just join a club bro
this can also be great advice but its situational
>>Just love yourself bro
this is good advice unrelated to being desirable to women. its not cope, there is way more to life and existence than being desirable to women and the first step to experiencing it is killing your ego and accepting yourself.

the rest of those platitudes are normalfag nigger nonsense though

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This is great news, user, my YouTube channel depends on people like you. I can't wait to fuck a teenage girl I met off the comments of making fun of one of your dumbass fucking posts.

fact number four: i will get however salty i want to
fact number five: you can hide this thread but i'll just be right there in all the other threads too
fact number six: your shitty faggottube channel is irrelevant to the discussion at hand, to the board, to any other discussion taking place anywhere else at any point in the past, present or future, to society, to the world, to the universe and to me

>fact number five: you can hide this thread but i'll just be right there in all the other threads too
You won't, pussy

I beg to disagree. My channel thrives on the people on this board expressing their dumbass opinions. And it gets me what this board wants most, prime teen pussy, so it's relevant to any discussion with people who want that kind of thing. This, again, is everyone.

How about you start with not being a whiny faggot?

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