Does Any Forums have a zombie survival plan?

Does Any Forums have a zombie survival plan?

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Yeah, fire up my 2 mini BBQs in a sealed bathroom and burn a pile of charcoal, killing myself peacefully and rapidly through carbon monoxide poisoning.

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Kill all sons-a-bitches

my general SHTF plan is "die"

Why fight it? I'll let the first zombie bite me and assume my true form as a ghoul.

Nope. I'd just try to take as many of them with me as I could. As long as I kill 2 zombies I've done my part. I'd probably just do my best with a sharpened shovel.

Dead rising is a good game
go play it

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zombies are the most retarded apocalyptic shit anyone has ever come up with.

What is the best apocalypse scenario?

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I've played Dead Rising religiously.

Sort of. I have a general SHTF setup that should easily cover it.

Nothing retarded about them really, usually has a very grounded explanation in the virus being a mutated form of lyssavirus (rabies).
Zombie outbreak is, theoretically, very possible.

nukes or natural disasters, maybe even both at the same time

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There wouldn't be a post-apocalypse from nukes. Everyone would literally be dead, the Earth would become uninhabitable for human life.
Also the mutation shit is complete fantasy, that isn't how radiation and subsequent mutation from it works at all.

Technically not wrong and also not right.
As far as SHTF type scenarios go it covers a lot of ground in that there is a LOT you as an individual have to cover BUT most of that stuff has fingers in a lot of other SHTF pies in terms of how to respond to it all and how to survive. That's why the military looked into and formed unironic response plans for it. You could just train guys in that and do double duty for personal protection in an urban environment possibly needing to hide and still live in the area and also outbreak response and protocols to follow maybe even toss in bullshit like contaminated air so what if a dirty bomb/nuke went off. The tl;dr is there's a lot of actually applicable to probable real world stuff that just 1 zombie SHTF plan would cover so if you have that you have a general survival plan for most probable stuff.
That's why you can just make a general SHTF exit bag and a SHTF exit plan and you have most SHTF stuff covered including the unlikely occurence of zombies which would see that entire bag used.

>Everyone would literally be dead
not everyone
>the Earth would become uninhabitable for human life.
that's the point retard, what do you think apocalypse means?

>Zombie outbreak is, theoretically, very possible.

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You know nothing about lyssavirus, clearly:

It's actually not that bad.
About 12 years from start to finish but that's 12 years where the initial death count is about 1/5th of most major countries with targets(large population centers, large industrial centers, government) population with the initial nukings.
What REALLY does the killing is the subsequent nuclear winter. Freezing in the summer for about 5ish years and about half the rainfall for about the same before it slowly climbs back up towards the tail end. Why this is so bad is that it will roughly reduce the possible available calories in most nations by about 98-99% from loss of all food stuffs from plants in the field to the pigs that died in the same harsh conditions. Most humans would simply starve or die to exposure in this scenario not the nukes as a result.
By the time around 12 years pass the globe will be close to recovering from most of the nuclear winter but pretty much most life will have died off.
It sounds grim but it's nowhere near the amount of atmospheric dust and initial die off of the asteroids that caused previous mass extinctions so realistically not bad at all just a lot of dead but almost a full guarantee some humans will survive long term especially with bunkers and the like rolling around.
Now, this does assume nobody is a fucking psycho and just resorts to full crazy carpet bombing(no nation would use their full arsenal they would do the above where they target key locales like called shots but leave the useless rest in between because they want a chance of survival to like you both agree let's not shoot eachother with the bazookas for this suicide pact lets just use the colts), stuff like purposefully aiming for deserts and loose soil filled areas for maximum fucking over of everyone by artificially bumping that nuclear winter severity, or somebody starts tossing out mindless genocide forever stuff like cobalt bombs and nuclear fairies all of which will just make this a permanent game over.

>What REALLY does the killing is the subsequent nuclear winter.
Yep, that's what I was referring to when I mentioned the planet becoming uninhabitable for human (and most other) life.

If I've learned anything from Romero's Dead films it's that a zombie apocalypse is a doomed world, and staying alive in it would be an unsatisfying effort no matter how you go about it.

>but almost a full guarantee some humans will survive long term especially with bunkers and the like rolling around.
I'd be very dubious of that, and very dubious of the ability of the bunkerites to pick up and survive in the world post-Nuclear Winter.
It's not like everything would just magically bloom back into life after the 12 years.
It would take so fucking long for the ecosystems to get anywhere close to what they were pre-apocalypse.
The food source would remain abysmal for centuries (if not millennia) after, and the bunkerites would largely be relying on bunker supplies of food and water long after leaving the bunkers.
It would be really difficult. And there would probably be constant attacks on the bunkers from rogue squadrons and rampaging, desperate, starving peasants.
A lot of the bunkers would probably fall and be penetrated and ransacked in bloody tribal wars long before the Nuclear Winter even ended.

There's also disease as well. Honestly... I'd be extremely skeptical of even a small human population managing to survive and eventually thrive and prosper post-Nuclear Winter.
It's possible, but the odds are stacked against them.

Yeah, but a "normal" full nuclear exchange would "only" kill 95-99% of all life on the surface but ocean life is mostly good in the depths. Genuinely not bad as far as actual apocalypses go. Most have some 50/50 caveat for that last .1% we just keep getting lucky on but this ones a sure thing statistically it'll just suck.
I'm still betting it all on black some asshole has a proper nuclear fairy somewhere they're just waiting to show the world once it all starts going off. You know there just has to be someone in the wings waiting to add their own candle to the cake just to say they did. Too many humans for 1 not to have considered it hard enough to try it.

What did you learn from posting on Any Forums about the nature of our world, and the ability to get satisfaction from it?

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>but ocean life is mostly good in the depths.
No, ocean life is still highly reliant on the Sun. The atmospheric dust and Nuclear Winter would fuck with that big time as well.
There would be mass die offs all throughout the ocean, tons of large and even small species would go completely extinct through the same process.
And that's not to mention the radiation leaks into the oceans and rivers and lakes and such. That would have cataclysmic effects too longterm.

>A study presented at the annual meeting of the American Geophysical Union in December 2006 found that even a small-scale, regional nuclear war could disrupt the global climate for a decade or more. In a regional nuclear conflict scenario where two opposing nations in the subtropics would each use 50 Hiroshima-sized nuclear weapons (about 15 kilotons each) on major population centers, the researchers estimated as much as five million tons of soot would be released, which would produce a cooling of several degrees over large areas of North America and Eurasia, including most of the grain-growing regions. The cooling would last for years, and, according to the research, could be "catastrophic",[17][53] disrupting agricultural production and food gathering in particular in higher latitude countries.

I don't disagree but you're reading too much into a misread on your end. The climate will take 12ish years round trip, ignoring some meh stuff like ozone layer issues so wear more sunscreen for like 50 years or until we get industry back up.
As for the last bit also mostly solved. We have DEEP bunkers containing metric shit tons of anything and everything. We have some hollowed out mountains companies just store shit in because thats free AC and tons of electronics down there for literally everything because free EM shielding. Stuff like that. So, even off the official bunkers: good luck even trying to get to them you literally can't unless they let you in and zero chance of them going wonky in the mayhem barring some massive continent shifting earthquake. I'm not talking a bunkers worth of people in terms of food either like some tiny pantry but the sort of store houses used for city food logistics. If the city is gone that's a lifetime supply plus more for a bunker of survivors. Now do that for crop seeds we have multiples off plus the general archive vaults. And that's just the foodstuffs and the seeds.
I'm not saying it's perfect but this isn't some halfassed bullshit like fallout. All of that will survive and last easily. It's us, the living element, that won't.
Hell, most setups you could just hole up for a few generations but with what we have we could really start to just rework stuff once shits gotten to a level the plants won't just die in the fields.
Hell, with that whole setup the internet will survive we won't even lose most nodes assuming power holds in the areas needed.