Fuck burger king and fuck the WEF. I'll never eat there again and I'll never eat the bugs

Fuck burger king and fuck the WEF. I'll never eat there again and I'll never eat the bugs.

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Wtf is normal?

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I will not eat the bug i will not eat the bugs.

the new normal - only at Burger King

>austria burger king
lol that's the same one who did this

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what do you expect from austria?

>not original comment, fuck jannies

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It tastes better than the shit meat they used before. It's also vegetarian, and thus, which might surprise you if you went to school in the US, does not contain bugs as that would make it no longer vegetarian.

I tried one of those fake meat sliders from white castle took one bite and almost puked.

>modern Austrians must suffer the wrath of the jews because of some dude with a little mustache was born within their borders like 200 years ago
Absolutely spiteful rats, never letting go of a grudge they don't even know why they're holding to begin with.

>Jesus Christ didn't invent the gott dang hamburger just to have some trans-Jew-aliens fill it with gott dang beetle wings!
If you can't trust the barely-qualifies-as-food "restaurants" owned by insidious megacorps, who can you trust?

Burger King sucks dude I don't know why anyone would eat there by choice

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this is a marketing ploy to get you thinking about burger king

The Impossible burger is literally better than the meat one,bro. Just try it for fuck sake stop being a polchud

But I was already thinking about Burger King?
yummy burger :)

This, the shit meat they server at McDonald's or BK doesn't taste like anything in the first place. While I personally don't care about vegetarian/vegan stuff I find it funny that some retarded basementdwellers cry about a shitty Fastfood chain deciding to serve some shitty plant based pattie. Go to the gym and eat some proper food instead you whiny faggot.

>modern Austrians must suffer the wrath of the jews because of some dude with a little mustache was born within their borders like 200 years ago
Imagine actually believing this bullshit. Austria was never denazified.

Then why is Arnold Schwarzenegger such a liberal cuck?

because he moved to weimerica

Burger King's breakfast, chicken sandwiches, and fries are really good. They also have a horseradish sauce (zesty). Nothing else on the menu is worth getting, but those three things hold up the chain.

>Normal obert mit fleisch?
Do Austrians really call just any meat flesh?

always knew the vegetarian meme was a cope for a food shortage
if you have a backyard start raising chickens now