Why are white boys so undesired in genZ?

Women openly saying that we were their last choice making viral tweets

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Every single day lmao. Keep up the good work champ.

Just post the WMXF webms already.

your autism is not allowing you to understand the statement she is making, i will help.
She is saying that she is unable to resist her innate attraction towards whites despite attempting to repress this desire due to media and societal influence that white is bad.

The girls that post this type of shit unironically fetishize white dudes. Why do you think would they talk about them all the time?

No she's saying the exact opposite, I speak zoomer and what she's actually saying

>I really want to date a non-white and if I END UP (aka end up now succeeding) with a whitie just know I tried my best to get a non-white

Because twitter isi an echo chamber that brainwashed her into believing these sorts of statements are empowering and cool/funny.

it seems like this tweet suggests the opposite of what you are saying. this guy is right

So tired of this, so tired.
Life, is there more to it or it's just a constant and never ending war?

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This is indeed original

Makes me sad to think how despised we are by everyone

So, basically, what le kikes are telling them is that whites are the new forbidden fruit?

fuck off cuck

I thought so too so I wanted to find the replies to see what she meant. Turns out it is not even a real tweet. I have been baited and OP is a fag

Because white boys (you aren't men) have smaller dicks, more mental issues, worse in bed, immature... I could go on lol!

This is the third time you've posted that image this week, OP

women really talking about mental issues and being mature lmao


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She's sayng that she tried really hard to resist the urge. Glad to see the latina women schizo poster is back

They're secretly extremely desired (all these gen z girls are BWC only) but on twitter and tiktok you have to say white men sucks.

In case anyone is confused, OP is her acknowledging that she can't resist white guys despite trying really hard to. Many such cases.

Seems more to me like she's saying she'll settle for a stable white boy if it doesn't work out with the Tyrones she wants to give a shot to first.

they all say that but look how it ends...

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Non-white robots are so fucking stupid.
You could've easily found a tweet that was actually putting white men down (mid brown/black/asian pick mes do this all the time to attract their own men) but instead you found a girl seeding the idea that she's going to not just fuck white men but marry one.
Well done.

You're welcome, and I mean that sincerely. Your dedication is admirable.