Please unblock me Litzi

Please unblock me Litzi

Attached: 19119191.jpg (1170x1546, 1.16M)

no naruto - i never unblock losers

youre pathetic why dont u simp for someone cuter like me

How do you know you're cuter than Litzi if it's unknown how cute Litzi is?

Also where are you from?

this nigga bpd

user, this is a little much. Especially for a woman you haven't even fucked.

What do you get out of torturing insane losers, litzi?

You know that Litzi is not a women, right?

this new era on god 0_0 fr desu

This is just sad. You can do better for yourself OP.

what do you mean she posts her nudes here before lol

As far as I know, she only posted her midriff. She's a gross skeleton woman

>[travis scott voice]

if u want to ignore the fact she posted tits then ok

proof where? originally speaking

She has only posted tummy. Show proof or shut the fuck up.

You're probably thinking of the cute blonde girl. Litzi is Mexican or some shit

Skele's are pretty cute my dude

People cut themselves over girls who they have never seen?

She's actually schizo why would you want that

this is sad man. ehh