Be short babyfaced manlet

>be short babyfaced manlet
>not even ugly or fat, just cute and neotenous with big blue eyes
>always told growing up that i am handsome, attractive, etc
>boomer mother constantly asks why i am not giving her grandchildren
>pay for Tinder Gold
>every match is some combo of overweight, dyed hair, they/them, ridiculous tattoos, etc. (but almost always overweight)
If I try to explain that this is my entire dating market because any woman above a 3/10 is looking for a single masculine chad-like archetype, i will just be immediately branded as a creepy incel. I have tried for years to resign in defeat and simply pay attention to other things, but nothing works. Should I just end it at this point?

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Just find a pedophile girl

>not even ugly or fat
You are ugly by virtue of being a manlet. Just give up, vomit-inducing "men" like you aren't meant to reproduce.

thats fucking sucks user.i have the same issue.all my relatives,friends and co workers thinks im a gigachad in reality ive never seen a vegina

That is not generally what people mean when they say that someone is ugly. Being a manlet makes you repulsive, but not quite in the same way as having a malformed face. This is a semantic argument where you are being a pedantic faggot

Dude why are you even making this thread? You know that you're disgusting. You know no girl wants to be around a dwarf. Just shut the fuck up and lurk.

Often times a guy can be decent looking but his profile is a hot mess.

Had a guy friend become similarly confused; after messing with his Tinder photos etc he began matching with many more cute girls vs the questionable variety. It seems bizarre but I swear by it.

Out of 100 users only 10 or so are women, and that applies to every dating app, what the fuck did you expect? Women there can afford to be picky and i had similar experiences like you, if youre alredy deppressed just delete all those apps, theyll only make you borderline suicidal

My condolences to you for being a virgin. I am not one by the graces of finding a (diagnosed) autistic skinny 6/10 channer when i was in college, but her mental instability mindfucked me. Basically my entire dating market is women who are either repulsive and/or mentally ill

Given the choices i would still risk with the mental ones if i were you, cant fucking cope with the idea of never beeing with a woman that isnt a literall prostitute

I know all of the basic rules, like having pictures that are taken by other people, not being autistic with your bio, etc. i am just fundamentally repulsive because women are only sexually attracted to a single male archetype

This is hilarious. There are no "rules." The only rule is to be conventionally attractive. If you're not already attractive nothing you do will make you attractive.

>tinder is the dating market
Are all of you this retarded? The bar is below the fucking floor for us. If you literally leave the house, smell good, carry yourself well, and know how to not be a fucking faggot, you can talk to whatever woman you want. Dating apps aren't real, brother. I'm serious. The internet is garbage now. How does this need to keep being said?

Lmao ANY woman? Is this a normalfag troll?

Why do you guys post lies like this when the number of single men grows each year? Do you enjoy lying to people?

How delusional do you have to be to believe that women have low standards

Literally *any* woman.
It's not a lie. You just never leave the house and talk to women. Look, if I can literally get off work, go to some girl's house, drink her vodka, get topped off, accidentally make her cry, then walk down the street and run into another woman, I'm telling you: you need to fucking go outside.
Because most guys suck. This isn't hard. Just see the reply right above yours. There's a reason the number of single men are going up. I need you fucking faggots on the battlefield and yet you stay inside and choose to do this to yourselves. I'm out here in the trenches taking fucking grenades by Stacy's because so many guys stay inside now. GO OUTSIDE.

>rs. There's a reason the number of single men are going up
There is, and it's not because men just aren't trying hard enough

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It's not about fucking trying. It's about meeting a bare minimum. How the fuck is everyone here profoundly retarded? Lifting weights or getting plastic surgery isn't going to make you treat people like a human. You're still going to be avoided and feel like shit. Just be normal.

>It's not about fucking trying.
Yeah it's about being tall
>It's about meeting a bare minimum
A bare minimum of 6 feet

>90% of women don't want anything to do with you unless you're 6'+
>This retard still talks about being "normal", whatever that's supposed to mean