Why do rejections hurt

After being rejected so many times how do I keep going . It hurts knowing that your not desirable to anyone. I asked out a girl yesterday who I knew for months and tried every trick in book. Shed even cry to me about how shes unloved and rejected me after I said I could be her bf. She cold out said ew . And she saw me as a brother and not dating material. Guys how do I keep living if I cant even find one person to love me.

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>Shed even cry to me about how shes unloved and rejected me after I said I could be her bf. She cold out said ew . And she saw me as a brother and not dating material.

Have you considered embracing hate instead of love? Why not be edgey instead? Make women feel as bad as they make you feel?

>Why do rejections hurt
Because you open yourself up to someone, you try to forget all of the pain before and you light up a fire of hope in yourself just for it to be smothered.

How can rejections still hurt for you? Exposure to dating apps in my late teens and early twenties completely killed my brain's ability to feel bad during breakups and rejections.

Ive seen fat retards, guys with iq of room temperature and guys whos face look like wet concrete have gfs. But me nada , zero and I still keep going . Have 3 dating apps on and swipe as much times as possible. Go to bars, clubs and college activities but nothing happens. Its like I have a aura that repulses people. Idk how much longer I can go . I just wish one day id wake up and every relationship building instantly became easy. I just wish to feel the comfort of a girl laying on me and both our warm bodies radiating with each other.

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>Have 3 dating apps on and swipe as much times as possible
Yeah, stop doing that shit. It's getting you sorted out of the algorithm because it assumes you're a spambot.

I still have a glimmer of hope bro. Im optimistic . Because alternative is becoming a hateful incel who whole world view is seen in black and white

I dated and dated and dated, had girlfriends, et cetera. Exposure to the harsh reality of modern dating and the brutal hypocrisy and fairweather nature of women hardened me rapidly. You can acknowledge and face reality without being a "bitter incel", and reality is that you will be endlessly rejected. For every 100 women you ask out, maybe one or two will say yes unless you're a gorgeous male model with a yacht.

I did everything, not swipe , swipe one every 10 person , swipe 50% . None of it works user . And if I occasionally get a match they never send messages . Im 21 atm and there are people who are 8 yrs younger then me who have had more experiences with love then me. And for those who say it dosent work Ive tried with other peoples photos and have girls come up and text me . Never in my life in my 4 yrs on dating apps has a single girl dared text me first on a dating app.

I just wanna be loved once user . There are millions of girls out there and yet with all those options Im still single . Idk why

Women have more options than ever. A chick in the past had maybe 5 men, total, she had viable access to in her social group. Now she can open up an app and have 100 men begging to kill themselves in front of her just for a chance to lick her feet clean. Anyway, if you're only 21, that's genuinely nothing. I know people who haven't had relationships or sex until their mid-late twenties, male and female.

Maybe its different for you but most people around me are in one or did . I even put myself out there but nothing ever happens

A huge portion of young men and women are sexless in their late teens/early twenties now, like 40-50% of young men leave high school as virgins these days. 21 is EXTREMELY young, take it from me. I won't say "just try harder bro just have a shower and lift that will bring the girls in" because that's bullshit. The reality is that sexual relations are completely fucked.

>tried every trick in the book.
Maybe you should stop trying to trick people.
That being said, I empathize. I'm sorry you're hurting man. Take a break from dating and just enjoy your life.

>and women are sexless in their late teens/early twenties now
I'm pretty sure most women have sex and have sex early. THey're so privileged when it comes to that it's sad.

I know three women who are virgins in their twenties, one of whom is 26. However, they are also all kind of strange and disconnected, as well as two of them being devout Christians while the last is kind of deranged and has obvious mental illnesses. None of them are fat or ugly, either.

next year's edition of this image just dropped, remember to post it on new year's eve and gift reddit gold

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Maybe im deranged but I dont wish to go on kike meds

I don't know, user. I think I'm starting to become numb to it at this point. Seems like the only way to actually be able to handle dating as a man, is to be completely detached and emotionless.

You shouldn't, anti-depressants are basically just complete bullshit. All you can really do is endure, bitterly or proudly. There are no easy solutions. There's a concept called "opportunity maxing" which is to just do as many things as possible. Join as many clubs, organisations, groups as possible, until opportunity knocks. It's a bit delusional but it works for some people.

So cast a wide enough net to catch something lol.